Page 82 of Ash
Well, the three Polish traitors Glowacki killed didn’t count. We’d taken them to the C with us last night, and he had put a bullet through their heads. They were the last of the traitors he knew about, apart from the two who were working with the Malia Boys. They were still missing, but it seemed likely that they were already dead. Once the plan to break down our alliance had seemed to be working, their involvement wouldn’t have been needed, so Siri had probably killed them off.
I ducked to avoid a bullet as it whizzed over my head, startling me out of my thoughts and back to the present. That was close. We had been doing well up until now, picking the enemy off from a distance, but now their numbers were dwindling, and we had started to close in.
Despite the fact that it was becoming glaringly obvious with every second that passed that they were losing, they still seemed intent on gaining entrance to the lab. I wasn’t sure what they believed they’d achieve now. However, it was likely they just wanted to do as much damage as possible by destroying the lab, its contents, and as many of us as they could before they died.
They were acting desperate. That could prove in our favour, as desperate people often make mistakes. However, it could also prove to our detriment because desperate people had nothing to lose, so they often fought harder.
Shots rang out around us. It was pandemonium. However, there was less shooting now and more hand-to-hand fighting.
I stabbed one guy in the stomach. He fell to his knees. I bent, grabbed his head, and slit his throat.
Another guy ran towards me, his raised hand holding a large machete. I feigned a step to the right, then moved quickly to the left, caught his hand, and knifed him under the arm. He staggered, and I stabbed him again in the side of his neck. His dead body crumpled to the ground.
Daniel stumbled past me, fighting the biggest guy I’d ever seen. He was a giant and built like a brick house. I had no time to move out of the way as the pair tumbled into me. We all fell to the ground in a heap, and my head banged hard off the ground.
I tried to get up. I felt nauseous and dizzy, but I needed to get to my feet because Daniel was in trouble. The Brickhouse knelt over him, his hands around Daniel’s throat. Daniel’s arms were trapped by the guy’s legs, and so all he could do was try, uselessly, to buck him off.
I forced myself to stand and reached for my gun, but I must have dropped it when I fell. I couldn’t see it. So, I did the only thing I could and jumped on the guy’s back. I plunged my knife deep into his throat. The guy didn’t let up his stranglehold on Daniel, so I pulled the knife and stabbed him again and again. Blood splattered everywhere, but finally, his hands loosened, and he fell forward, dead.
I helped Daniel push the big fuck off him. His neck would be bruised, but thankfully, he was alive. That could have ended so badly.
I located my missing gun and then glanced about, checking on how things were going. Glowacki was fighting a guy several yards away, and Miki was doing the same not far from him.
Pockets of men fought all around us. Up this close and personal, it was easier to get injured or killed. This was getting out of hand. It was time to end this before we started losing men. Miki must have had the same because as soon as he had despatched the guy he was fighting, he gestured for us to close in tighter.
We fell into position beside one another and headed towards the others.
A guy ran at me from behind, taking me down to the ground. Daniel pulled his gun and shot him.
Glowacki caught my eye as I straightened. He gestured towards the back door of the farm building that housed the lab. Six guys slowly made their way towards it. I nodded to him and held my gun at the ready again. We left them to it as we quietly made our way over to where Miki was fighting off several attackers. Miki punched one, and he fell to the ground. Glowacki shot him in the face at the same time as I knocked another over the head with the butt of my gun, then shot him in the head, freeing Miki to finish off the third.
As soon as he had despatched the guy. I tapped Miki’s arm and pointed to the figures before the three of us silently moved forward.
They were a lot further away than the rest of the guys who were fighting, so we crept nearer to get within easy firing range. Unfortunately, one of the figures turned and spotted us. He lifted his firearm and aimed, but Glowacki took him out with a shot to the head before he could fire. Miki and I took out another two, but the others managed to get inside.
The few guys we had in the building were all currently focused on the front, which left the back of the building vulnerable to attack. The fools were sitting ducks. Shots rang out, and we knew we were too late.
There was a small explosion. The lab entrance had been breached. They were inside.
We entered the building cautiously and headed towards the lab.
There was only one way in and out of the underground lab, so these guys were never getting out of there alive, but if we weren’t careful, neither would we.
They had closed the door behind them, so we positioned ourselves on either side and readied ourselves to provide cover as Glowacki opened the door. As soon as he did, we were met with a volley of gunfire. My ears rang with the noise. Miki grimaced. Glowacki tried to tell us something, but the sounds were so loud neither of us could hear a thing.
The door opened up into a long hallway. There were doors to several small rooms and two large lab areas leading from it. Two of the enemies peeked out from doors at the far end. The other guy had taken cover in a room nearer the middle of the hall. That was good because although there was a lot of fire, we were predominantly out of range of the two furthest away.
Not even bothering to talk this time, Glowacki gestured to us that he was going in and wanted us to provide cover. We both nodded and began to shoot through the door as Glowacki made a run for it.
As soon as he was inside, he took cover in the nearest room on the right-hand side and then provided cover for us to do the same on the left side.
Shots were fired back and forth for some time before we finally managed to hit the guy nearest us, but not before he got a shot at Miki. My heart raced as I saw him hit the ground.
“You okay?” I shouted at him.
He nodded.
“Got my vest!” he yelled back, sounding a bit winded. It probably hurt like hell, but at least he wasn’t dead. Thank fuck!