Page 85 of Ash
He was absolutely furious. I understood. It was hard not to be. I couldn’t believe that someone had tried to murder a child. Poor Magdalena. Thank goodness she was here with us and safe!
Dariusz said that they had some of the local police and fire crew in their pockets, and with the help of the few men they’d left at their Estate, a cover story of a gas explosion had been concocted.
When he left us to call Daniel and update him on the situation, Sonia asked to speak to Romi alone. I took the hint and made myself scarce.
I decided to get some air and see if there was anything else that needed to be done outside.
Everything was pretty much done, so I sidled over to some of the men who were having a smoke and chatting and listened to their conversation.
Since the battles were over, they didn’t feel the need to be so tight-lipped as before, and I learned pretty much everything that happened both here and at the lab.
I discovered that the remaining Bratva traitors had been killed tonight, except Ivor, who had escaped. I hadn’t liked him. He was a good-looking man, but he had cold eyes, and the way he sniffed around Sonia was creepy. If I had been asked to name the traitor out of all of the guys I had met, it would have been him.
He was often paired with another guy, Igor. I hadn’t liked him much either.
It turned out that he had been another traitor. Romi had put a bullet through Igor’s brain as soon as the attack had started. The guys talked of him doing that so casually that I should have been shocked. Yet I wasn’t. I didn’t feel bothered by it at all. I had no sympathy for them.
I wondered if that made me a bad person. Was I too accepting of death now because I loved a man capable of killing? Or maybe my dark romance novels had literally romanticised this lifestyle for me? I mulled that over.
No, I didn’t think so because I would feel bothered and upset if it were other people, good people, but these weren’t good people. These were bad people who were willing to sell out their friends and brotherhood to the enemy for money. They didn’t deserve sympathy.
A lot of people had died tonight. I did feel sad about the few Bratva men who had been killed at the lab location, even though I didn’t know any of them. However, the rest of the men deserved to die. They were people who would easily have killed me or any of my friends, so I couldn’t bring myself to feel sympathy for them either. If anything, I was grateful that they couldn’t hurt us anymore. Shades of grey!
Thinking about all of that had me worrying again about Glowacki, and I decided to seek out Magdalena and check she was okay.
Dariusz had told her and Sebastian what had happened to both their dad and their home, and although Magdalena had been distraught when she first heard, she had calmed down by the time I saw her.
After a while, Marta took her up to bed and assured her that she would remain with her and keep her company until her dad was better. That seemed to settle the girl who had taken an instant liking to Marta.
It had been a long and exhausting couple of days, and everyone was tired, so once Magdalena and Marta headed to bed, the rest followed quickly, and I headed upstairs, too.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep until Ash was home, but at least I would be waiting for him in bed when he arrived. I planned on showing him just how much I missed him after I checked every inch of his body to ensure that he hadn’t been hurt, of course.
Hell yeah! My inner devil squealed, pleased with my thoughts.
Miki called during the drive home with some good news.
Glowacki was finally out of surgery but couldn’t be moved. So, Miki, Daniel, and a couple of our men were remaining with him until he could be. Miki said they hoped it would be by the following evening.
Once he could travel, he would be taken to our Doctor’s private clinic for some scans before he was brought back to our Estate. Since his house had been partially destroyed by the explosion and would need some rebuilding, he and his family would stay here at the Estate with us until he’d recovered and the repairs were completed.
It was a relief to know he had survived the operation. It would take time for him to recover, but we’d have his back and keep his family safe until he did.
We had lost several good men tonight, but not as many as we could have, and for that, I was thankful.
I let out a long breath. I was exhausted and longed to hold Gracie in my arms again.
The minute I entered the house, I headed straight for our bedroom. When I opened the door, Gracie was lying on the bed, awake and obviously waiting for me.
She smiled when she saw me, and I crossed the room and took her lips, kissing her deeply. I loved kissing Gracie; she always tasted so good.
We clung desperately to each other as our tongues explored each other’s mouths in that time old fashion. We’d been apart less than two days, but it had felt like a lifetime. I was so glad we were together again, and Gracie was safe.