Page 13 of Her Trust
“There’s a cottage out back where I live with two of the other guards. We’re on rotation so there’s always one of us on and then there are seven other guards who work shifts, but commute in.”
“You live here?” My eyebrows jump up.
“Yep, decent pay and free board, can’t turn my nose up at it.” His smile is cocky and his eyes dart to the bustling Miss White who seems to be putting together a fruit salad.
The sharp clack of heels is the only warning I get before Annika strides into the room, fixing a gold watch to her wrist. Her hair falls in long waves to the middle of her back but pinned on one side, and she’s wearing a deep maroon suit with a cream blouse. Her lipstick perfectly matches her jacket as well as her nails, meaning she changed them from yesterday. She doesn’t acknowledge any of us as she walks in and heads straight to the coffee machine in the corner, pressing buttons and placing a travel mug beneath the spout.
Lee stands quickly enough to look busy but not so quick to make me think he was worried about being caught here. “Well, I’m off to do the rounds. Great meeting you Harvey, we’ll be seeing each other.” He claps me on the shoulder as he passes, and I nod back at him.
“Lee, can you permanently assign the Land Rover to Javier and make sure the men at the gate know him. I don’t want to be stopped every time he’s trying to collect me or bring me home.” Annika speaks without looking back at the man in question.
“Yes, ma’am, on it.” With that, he disappears.
“Stuart, what do you have planned for Javier today?” She screws the lid onto her travel mug.
“A few more introductions to make and I thought we’d go out to some of the businesses so he gets the lay of the land.”
She nods, turning to face us finally. Her expression is cool and unreadable, even when I give her my most popular smile, she barely looks at me before fixing her gaze back on Stuart.“The trespasser in holding and I’ll meet with him this afternoon. Have him ready for me.”
The smile that curls Stuart’s lips is pure mischief. “Right you are, lass.”
“Let’s go.” She grabs her mug and heads to the hall when a small voice stops her.
“Oh, Miss Wolfe?”
Annika turns, her expression softening a fraction when she looks to Miss White expectantly.
“I made you some breakfast as I knew you were out early this morning.” She hands Annika the sealed bowl of fruit salad. “There’s fruit, granola, and yoghurt in there for you, ma’am.”
Annika looks at the bowl and takes it with a nod before leaving the room, Stuart and I in tow.
At the club, Annika gets settled into her office and Stuart tells her he’s taking me on a tour, warning her to stay out of trouble. She rolls her eyes at him and makes no such promises. He tells a guard at the door that we’re leaving and to ensure Annika keeps safe. The poor guy looks terrified by the responsibility but nods regardless. We drive into the heart of the city and stop at Nöje, a five-star hotel that’s world renowned for its luxury and exclusivity.
“What are we doing here?” I ask as Stuart throws the keys to his pimped-out SUV to the valet.
“I told you, we’re doing a tour of some of our businesses,” he answers casually.
“Annika owns this place?” I can’t help the rise in my voice as my surprise takes over volume control. Stuart raises a brow at me and continues walking into the marble lobby.
Within a second of us stepping foot inside, a short guy in a fancy pinstriped suit scurries over to us. “Monsieur Worth, whata pleasure!” He holds his hand out and Stuart shakes it, slapping the guy on the shoulder.
“Jean-Michelle.” The French name doesn’t quite sit right on his Scottish tongue and I hold my smile. “How are you?”
“Oh, very well my friend. We are all doing well. Is Miss Wolfe visiting us today? We were not advised—”
“Nah, don’t worry yourself. The boss is still at the office,. I’m just giving our newest recruit a wee tour since Harvey and I will be job sharing for the foreseeable future.”
The French man turns to me with a wide smile. “Ah, très bien. A pleasure to meet you Monsieur Harvey.”
“And you.” I shake his hand and he leads us on a tour of the hotel. It’s fucking massive and I feel severely under dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Jean-Michelle is the hotel manager and delights in his roll, giving us interesting facts about the hotel’s history and architecture as though we are tourists.
“Please send Miss Wolfe our regards,” he says as we say our goodbyes.
“Aye,” Stuart responds, slipping on sunglasses and waving goodbye.
We visit three more businesses: a restaurant, a spa, and a burlesque club that isn’t open yet but the staff are there for rehearsals. Everyone seems excited by the prospect that Annika Wolfe will be visiting them and manage to hide most of their disappointment when they realise she is not coming. We’re heading back to the club by early afternoon.
“Why did you take me to those places?” I ask Stuart.