Page 73 of Her Trust
“You’re more than welcome.” I stand and pat the covers, roughly where their legs are. “Goodnight, girls.”
“Night,” they chorus.
“Love you, Anni.” Keeley’s words stretch over a yawn and thump me right in the centre of my chest. I swallow hard and leave the room without another word.
Ineed to reign it the fuck in. Annika Wolfe has my head spinning. I should be concentrating on my mission, on trying to find something that I can take back to the captain. I’m fairly confident Annika doesn’t have any cops on her payroll, at least not knowingly. Perhaps one of her commanders in the field have done so, but she wouldn’t be happy with that decision. She would be angry with the dishonesty. Because the leader of the Talons, the criminal Queen, despises dishonesty. That’s not the only thing she’s surprised me with.
Her ice-cold persona, her wicked witch of the northwest, it’s all covering something. Something deep and dark. She is lonely and sad, not that she would ever admit it, and each time there’s a crack in her armour, something inside me cracks along with it. I want to see more of her smiles, her vulnerabilities, and her trust. I need it. Icraveit.
When she asked the girls to stay with her today, I saw all of it. Trusting the girls with her truths, her nervous fidgeting as she asked them to stay and a glorious, full smile when they agreed. It was beautiful,shewas beautiful and as soon as I had her alone, I had to touch her, to kiss her. Oh yes, Annika Wolfe has my head spinning. A few weeks ago, I would have said the onlyway she’d have me so distracted from the task at hand would be her witching powers, her expertise in sexual manipulation, her femme fatale tendencies. But I know better. She is no witch, she’s a badass boss who has used intellect and her own resources to get to the top of her game. She has never used her sexuality to get what she needs; she uses her read on people to close deals. She’s no femme fatale, she’s the heroine in her own story.
I’ve just wiped the counters for a second time — because after the first time wiping up icing sugar using just water, they were left covered in a sticky residue — when Annika comes back in. She’s changed into black silk pants and a black top that clings to her like a second skin. She’s lost the bra and her nipples are visibly poking at the thin fabric. I swallow and look away.
“Wow, that was quick,” she says looking around the newly spotless room.
“It wasn’t as bad as it looked.” I shrug.
She looks sceptical but says nothing more on the matter. “Thank you for coming to be with the girls today.”
I smile at that. “You’re welcome, but it’s really no trouble. They’re great.”
“I think so too.” She nods. “I can’t believe how comfortable they are with you.”
“They have a good sense of character.”
She snorts.
“That’s why they love you,” I say with seriousness.
She pales slightly and shakes her head. “They don’t…”
“They do, Annika. They love you, you’re very lovable.” Did I mean to say that?
She narrows her eyes as she digests what I just said. My heart pounds in my chest and my fingers twitch.
“Kiss me, Harvey.”
I don’t need to be told twice and in only two steps I’m in front of her, taking her face in my hands, and I press my lips to hers. She grabs my t-shirt at my waist, pulling me closer and her tongue darts out to taste mine. I groan into her mouth, sliding my fingers into her hair, I close my fists and pull until her face looks to the ceiling. Trailing kisses down the elegant column of her neck, I find her pulse point and gently nip the delicate skin over it. Her gasp has me moaning and my cock straining against my zipper.
“Harvey,” she breaths my name and my hips thrust forward of their own volition.
I’m so turned on, I want to ram into her like a mindless animal but I can’t do that. I can’t do this how I normally do it. I can’t hold her down and take her hard and rough, growling filthy words in her ear. That’s got to be some kind trigger, right?
“Hey.” She’s looking at me with concern and I realise I released her hair and stopped kissing her. “Are you okay?”
I blink at her. “I don’t know how to do this,” I blurt.
This confuses her.
“I mean with you; I don’t know how to do this with you.” I regret my words immediately, the look of hurt on her face making me curse under my breath. I cup her face again and lean my forehead on hers. “Rainha, I don’t know how to be gentle with you. I haven’t ever had to watch myself.”
A crinkle forms between her brows. “What makes you think you need to be gentle with me?”