Page 83 of Her Trust
“I don’t know how you do it, man.” I shake my head, looking to Brent. He turns his head only slightly, raising a brow at me in question. “Don’t get me wrong,” I go on. “I’m not the jealous type, but that’s because I don’t have meaningful relationships. If I had a woman I loved, wanted to marry, I’m not sure I could share her.”
He takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly as though taking time to think. “I would burn the world and everyone in it to the ground for that woman. In comparison, sharing her with two people I love nearly as much is really not that big a sacrifice.”
I nod, watching as Elle and Hayden continue to grind against each other and chewing over the words Brent has given me. I may not be one for sharing something I hold in such high regard, but I guess I could imagine giving up something for love. My house, my city, my job? Annika flashes through my mind and turn to look at her, she’s staring at me through thickly mascaraed eyelashes and when our eyes meet, she bites her lip. My dick takes note.
“Right,” Brent grunts, standing straight and effectively blocking me from the view. “I’m off the clock.” He turns to Lance. “Don’t get into any trouble.”
Lance snorts as his cousin walks away and joins Hayden and Elle who are now sat with a group of friends at one of the tables. “Anyway, I’ll have Hayden send you over the figures for the club, but you should know it’s doing really well.” He drains his drink. “Hayden’s taken over as director, so he’ll talk to you about any club related issues.”
Annika nods.
A shriek across the room pulls all of our attention to Elle, who has her arms flung around a tall guy with glasses while Hayden shakes hands with a muscular man with tattooed arms. Elle bounds over, pulling Lance’s hand into both of hers.
“The working day is over, Lancelot.”
“I’ll be there in a moment, sweetheart,” he smiles at her with nothing but love in his eyes.
“No,” she responds slowly. “You’ll be there now. Gray and Enzo just got engaged and we’re going to celebrate with our friends. You’ve been working since eight o’clock this morning.” She turns to Annika and me. “You don’t mind if I steal my husband now, Miss Wolfe?”
“He’s all yours,” she says blandly.
Elle and Lance walk away, his hand resting on her arse, and they join the group with back slapping congratulations. I can’t help my surprise when Lance turns and kisses Hayden quickly but lovingly on the lips, then hate myself for the reaction. I’m wholly impressed by the balls on that guy, being openly bisexual in his position. Annika is also staring, seeming wistfully confused and, once again, I get a gnawing at the pit of my stomach thinking she wants what they have. Which is a problem because as long as Annika will have me, no one else gets her.
Iwatch the city whizz by as we drive back to the mansion. I always feel a little strange after meeting with Lance and his odd family. It’s like a sadness but I can’t explain it. Lights glow in the dark city streets, blurring as we pass and there are lots of people around on the warm summer evening. Harvey drives, looking out the windscreen in quiet contemplation, weaving through the light traffic. Lance Preston has broken the mould of leaders of the four syndicates, and in crime leaders around the world. Living freely with his wife and two other men, having Hayden and Brent so close to him in business, basically running The Daos as a trio and not alone. It confuses me, I don’t understand how he manages it but more than that, I want to know how he makes it work. If there’s hope for him, maybe there’s hope for me.
“Are you okay?” Harvey breaks through the silence.
“I’m fine.” I give him my standard answer.
“You want what they have,” he says, not in question but in statement of fact. He doesn’t seem too happy about it either.
“I suppose,” I sigh, annoyed at having to admit it. “But it’s impossible. I don’t have time for what they have.”
He scoffs. “Not sure you can keep three men satisfied?”
“What?” I snap my head to him.
“Is that what you want,rainha? Three men?”
“Jesus Christ.” I roll my head back to look at the roof of the car, too tired for this conversation. “What exactly is it about me, about everything you’ve learnt about me, that makes you think I’d want three men? It took all the nerve I had to letyouinto my bed.” I fold my arms over my stomach and look back out the window, annoyed at his petty jealousy.
He shuffles in his seat, looking a little humbler now. “I’m sorry,rainha.”
“Save it,” I snap.
“What were you talking about then?”
“Enough, Harvey.” I feel unnecessarily emotional by the conversation and choose to stay silent to prevent any unintentional outbursts.
He rubs his hand over his face and rests his elbow on the window, holding his head in his fingers. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing,” he mumbles.
“What?” I ask, annoyed.
“I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing!” he shouts. “Jesus, Annika, you’ve got me in fucking knots.” He looks pained as he keeps his eyes on the road, and I wait for him to continue. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” He shakes his head and I feel like he is talking more to himself than to me.