Page 73 of Strung Along
Minutes later,after helping readjust my clothes, Brody runs his steady, strong hands over my head, smoothing my messy hair. When he presses a kiss to my forehead, I almost purr, so languid and relaxed.Happy.
His declarations flow through my mind on repeat, settling a part of my soul that I didn’t know had been so uneasy. The silence following the aftermath of hands down the best orgasm I’ve ever had is soothing in a way that reminds me of snuggling beneath a warm blanket after a long day out in the cold. Add the presence of Brody, and I’m tempted not to leave this bathroom again.
The wedding reception has most likely moved on to dinner while we’ve been away, hiding in our own special place in time. With no way to tell how long we’ve been gone, it’s hard to know for sure. I almost feel bad for keeping the entertainment hidden away with me, but not enough to rush our exit.
This is our time, our moment, and I’m going to be selfish with it.
I lean my butt against the edge of the counter, shifting my weight on my heels as I button his shirt back up. The short, coarse hairs on his chest brush my fingertips with each buttonI finish. It’s disappointing to tuck it away, to hide it from view once more, but I don’t need anyone else gawking at him once we leave. That’s my job, and I plan on being employee of the month.
Brody watches me closely, his chin tipped and chest rising and falling steadily. His hat remains on the counter, leaving his messy hair exposed. The ghost of the strands whispers between my fingers, the memory of tugging them hard still fresh in my mind. Reaching up, I sweep away the few loose waves that have fallen over his forehead. His eyes visibly shudder, zeroing in on my mouth.
“If you kiss me again, we’ll miss dinner completely,” I warn him, dropping my hand to finish fixing his shirt.
“I wouldn’t mind eatin’ you instead of whatever they’ve got out there.”
Desire blooms in my belly, turning my cheeks fire-engine red. “Tempting, but when that happens, I don’t want it to be in a public washroom. I’m surprised nobody has tried to break in here yet.”
His gaze remains fixated on my lips for a breath longer before, reluctantly, he lifts it. “I’d rather take my time with you anyway.”
“Ditto, Cowboy.” I toss him a wink before spinning to grab his suit jacket from the counter and moving to his back. The wide expanse of strong shoulders and thick muscle trips a wire in my brain. “Extend your arm.”
“More than capable of puttin’ my own jacket on,” he says, but when he moves his arm for me, I know he actually doesn’t mind the help.
“I know. I just want to do it.”
Sliding his arm into the first sleeve, I guide the jacket over his back and move to the other arm. Once both are inside, I release the material and take a step back. He shrugs the jacket on fully,stretching his arms in front of his body before turning to face me.
“Look good?”
I arch a brow. “Searching for compliments now, are we?”
“From you? Absolutely.”
My chest flutters. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on, let alone had as my own.”
“Now you know how I feel every time I look at you. Come here,” he orders softly.
I step into his body, sighing at the immediate comfort that comes with having his arms around me. He strokes up and down my back with a firm touch as I press my cheek to his chest and sigh.
“Tell me how this is going to work,” I whisper.
“What do you mean?”
“Once we walk out of here. How is it going to work? I’ve never been with anyone like you before, and I’m not just talking about your outrageous good looks. I’m talking about your fame. Your career. God, I don’t even know why I’m setting myself up for heartbreak when you have to leave in just a couple of weeks. Maybe that makes me a fool.”
He pulls back, expression tight with anger. “You’re not a fool. Don’t talk like that about yourself.”
I reply with a tense nod. “Alright. I’m sorry.”
He blows out a breath and pinches my chin, lifting it until I have no other choice but to hold his gaze. “It’s too late to worry about turnin’ out as fools. Been thinkin’ about you daily for weeks now. Either way, I was fucked. I don’t want to focus on the after right now. Not when I have you in my arms like this for the first time. Maybe that’s not a fair thing to ask of you. But all I know is that you’re my woman now, and I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks about it.”
“But how do I act out there, Brody? What do I do, and what do I not do? I don’t want to ruin anything for you by doing something wrong in the public eye. We aren’t still in Cherry Peak, where nobody cares who you are or what you do. I’ve never cared much about social media or whether or not people like me, but I’ve seen what my sister has dealt with from hockey fans, and while Maddox’s fans aren’t yours, they can’t be much different.”
I’ve been surrounded by public figures for years now. Braxton married into a family full of them. From her husband and father-in-law the hockey superstars, to her sister-in-law the social media influencer, and even to her damn brother-in-law, who just so happens to be one of the biggest names in rock music. I’m not new to seeing the fans and constant judgment that comes with a high follower count. But I’ve never been nose-deep in it.
“This isn’t a red carpet, sweetheart. The only thing you need to do out there is let me keep you close and be yourself. Everythin’ else will fall into place,” he soothes.
A spark of insecurity slips past my defenses as I blurt out, “And if it doesn’t? If we both wake up tomorrow to see a Twitter thread about the girl you were caught slumming it with at an NHL player’s wedding?”