Page 79 of Strung Along
Bryce laughs, flicking Poppy on the knee. “As if you would have blocked the guy.”
“I would have!” she shouts before bending under our disbelieving stares. “Fine, maybe I wouldn’t have. Just keep talking.”
“In my defense, he had sent me a photo of his body soon after we started talking, and it was nice enough the prospect of him being creepy didn’t matter as much,” I add.
“You shallow bitch,” Bryce teases, earning a laugh from both Poppy and me.
I don’t try to deny it. My comment makes me appear incredibly shallow, but I would love to meet someone who hasn’t had their judgment swayed by a beautiful human being. “I am what I am.”
“At least you admit it,” Poppy mutters.
“And I didn’t need to be shallow for long. It turns out that the stranger I was talking to over text message was Brody. I started to figure it out after he came to help boost my car, and now . . . now we’re just kind of combining all of our text and in-person conversations into one big picture. Joining the two separate halves of our friendship, I guess. But that’s how we wound up . . . you know, last night. We both just came out with it. No more running around the bush with the secrets.”
A warmth fills my chest at the simple fact of speaking about this now. It’s like a weight is off my shoulders, even if I didn’t need to carry it for as long as I did.
I want to shout to the world that Brody’s mine. The photos and videos of us dancing last night might have taken the initialopportunity to do that away from me, but I’m not going to stop until everyone issickof me.
My two best friends are silent for a few moments, both of them staring at me like they don’t know how to respond. It makes me giggle, proud of myself for finally stumping them.
“It’s a lot, I know,” I add.
“Don’t even try me right now with that friendship bullshit. You’re not friends with the guy. Not from what I saw on social media this morning. What have I been saying for weeks now, Bryce?” Poppy asks, the first to speak.
Bryce leans forward on the ottoman, twisting her hair behind her shoulder. “That Brody’s been into you, Anna. Ever since he gave you his jacket, we both knew. It was only a matter of time before he finally grew the balls to make a move.”
“It doesn’t matter when. You guys keep swaying from the point of what I’m saying. We’re definitely not just friends, but we started that way. Both via text and in person. That’s crazy, right? That I met a guy I liked not just once but twice?”
“It is crazy. Crazy enough that if you don’t end up marrying him, I’m certain I’ll die a crazy spinster,” Poppy says.
“You’re not going to die a spinster, Poppy.” I ignore her mention of marriage, not wanting to open that can of worms right now.
“You’re right. Because you’re going to lock down your man. You found each other before his career totally exploded too. It’s going to be adorable to watch you together on red carpets and for him to write songs about you! Oh, my God! He’s going to write albums upon albums about you.” Poppy lifts her hands to her mouth, eyes wide. “Alright, I’m swooning.”
Bryce buries her face in her hands and laughs, her entire body shaking. “Trust Poppy to go the extra mile in terrifying you.”
“I’m not terrified.”
And it’s the truth. I’m the furthest thing from scared when it comes to Brody. That might be the scariest part of our entire relationship.
It’s odd. Unusual. There are a million things you should worry about when it comes to dating someone new. From your official label to the hows and whens and whats. The subject of his career should be an entirely separate fear all on its own. But for some reason, it’s simply not.
Maybe it’s my age or my past with Stewart, but I’m more excited than I am fearful. Life is too short to pick apart every possible bad outcome. I’m in a really great place right now, and Brody is confident in me and in us. I don’t feel insecure or curious as to where we stand. He’s put the effort in to ensure that I feel this way.
There’s only one thing that could crack the solid foundation we’ve laid beneath our feet, and I refuse to think about it. Not yet. Not until I have no other choice but to watch him leave Cherry Peak behind. For the first time in his life, with me left standing here.
“No, I don’t think you are. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that’s because you’re falling in love with him,” Bryce says, her words taking an axe through the thoughts in my mind.
I meet her waiting stare and smile. “I think you’re right.”
“Oh shit,” Poppy breathes.
“A good oh shit or a bad oh shit?” I ask.
Bryce answers, nudging Poppy with her foot. “An incredible oh shit, right?”
“Yeah. That.”
“Is it really that surprising?” I ask softly.