Page 44 of Hunting Their Omega
He nodded but wisely said nothing. There was no room for negotiation or evasion. The matter needed resolution, and I intended to ensure Isolde’s safety.
“You fell into a rut, and I cannot blame you for that. Any inexperienced male is susceptible to an Omega’s heat.” Some of the color returned to his face. “However, I can’t ignore the danger you put Isolde in—or the females who protected her. Had you succeeded, you would’ve taken Isolde against her will. You would have done so knowing she is mated to your Alpha unit . . . to me.”
The tension in the room was palpable as we faced each other, and the weight of unspoken consequences hung heavy in the air. The confrontation was not a demonstration of dominance but a necessary protection for the one I cherished. I hoped the others would understand as more Omegas were mated into the pack.
Navigating the intricate dynamics of Isolde’s heat made it clear how ignorant our kind was about Omegas. Our pack hadn’t been around them often, if ever, and the lack of knowledge wasn’t entirely surprising. However, it didn’t excuse the blatant disregard for Isolde’s mated status.
Malakai met my gaze, a mix of shame and uncertainty in his eyes. “I didn’t mean any harm or disrespect,” he started, but I raised a hand, halting any further attempts at explanation.
“I understand that you might not fully comprehend the dynamics of a heat,” I said, my voice measured. “But you made advances toward a mated Omega.”
The wolf’s expression shifted. “I . . . I didn’t know.”
“You knew she was an Omega; that should have been enough. You’re not just a pack member—you’re an Enforcer. Awareness and control are your most valued skills. Where were they when you went into a rut?” He flinched. “You should have removed yourself or sought the help of your team, but you didn’t.”
Malakai lowered his head and tilted it to the side, baring his neck in an act of submission.
I continued. “It’s imperative to understand that when an Omega is mated, they’re off-limits. There’s no excuse for ignorance when it comes to respecting another unit’s bond.”
He stiffened, and my wolf growled. The sound vibrated the walls of the cell.
“Speak,” I said, sensing something was on his mind.
“With all due respect, Commander, there has been talk among the males.”
“What talk?”
“There is a rumor going around that Omegas do not form bonds like other wolves. Apparently, they can accept any wolf’s seed and bear their child.”
My wolf snarled, and it took all my strength to keep from shifting.
The thought of any other male approaching Isolde and stealing her from us had my body preparing for battle.
Goddess, spare me!
My frustration was only second to the urgent demand to dispel such misconceptions. Our discussion wasn’t about addressing the recent incident anymore. Malakai’s words could lead Hidden Creek into chaos. That belief would make the pack unsafe for all Omegas if allowed to fester.
“Omegas do form bonds,” I clarified, my tone firm but patient. “Their commitment is as real and significant as any other mating bond, unbreakable and blessed by the Goddess. Isolde can only bear my unit’s children, and if any other took part in her heat, it would be abuse.” Malakai’s eyes snapped to mine, wide with horror at what he had almost done. “Disregarding that is not only disrespectful but entirely false.”
“Forgive me, Commander,” he whispered. “I would never do such a thing. That’s not . . . that’s not the kind of male I am.”
“I know, which is why I’m assigning the task of gathering the males to you and Valor. It’s time to put an end to these rumors. This, along with additional patrol shifts, will be your punishment.”
“Yes, sir,” he said, nodding his head eagerly.
“You’re free to report to Valor. I declare your confinement officially complete,” I said, heading for the door.
I met Valor’s gaze as I exited. “Malakai is your responsibility until the next full moon. Afterward, I will evaluate him and see if he still needs supervision or if we can start leaving him on his own again.”
“Yes, Commander.”
“And stay by your comms. I’ll contact you soon with directions from the Alpha.”
Valor patted the comm machine at his side. “Don’t go anywhere without it.”
I grunted my approval and left the building. My mind swirled with the implications of Malakai’s statement. How many of our males thought that way? How many of them waited in the wings for the chance to get their hands on Omega, thinking they could force her into bearing their child? I was aware of the desperation to continue their line, but to go so far as to risk fracturing a mated female was diabolical. It was the worst kind of evil.
The rumor threatened the pack dynamic and put Hidden Creek at risk of losing its sanctioned status. If that happened, there would be no Omegas. No pups. No future for this pack. I had to rectify the misunderstandings and foster an environment where every wolf’s bond was revered and honored.