Page 72 of Hunting Their Omega
“Should be here within the day,” Leighton replied.
“Is she sure she can do what needs to be done?” I asked, more for my own assurance.
“You will find none better. She hates the Council and the dark witches almost as much as we do.”
I jerked my chin, and Leighton went to get ready with the others. Our alliance with the witch was a glimmer of light in the encroaching darkness. Now, with the Council on the way, she was more necessary than ever. They wouldn’t get away with using magic within our borders—not without resistance.
My wolf prowled beneath my skin, ready to take over. It was an effort to keep him at bay, and bloodlust rode him hard. Rage simmered in my veins, a fierce fury I’d never experienced, fueled by the threat against my mate. Every fiber of my being screamed for action.
A faint pull at the end of our bond seized my attention, and I sprinted down the hall. Alaric and Bishop raced toward me, having felt her presence too. The bond tugged again. This time, the hold was stronger, pointing east before it faded.
I gestured to our Enforcers, and they raced to accompany us.
“Ready?” Bishop asked, his face determined.
I nodded. We would do this together. We would let our bond guide us to Isolde.
The moment the bond flared, we allowed our minds to unify, pouring all our strength into following the tether. Suddenly, I could see the way toward her, like an invisible guide spurring my body in the right direction.
“They’ve taken her deep into Rouge territory,” I announced. “Valor was correct. They’ve taken the Fallen Path toward Icramel.”
It was a path known to house not only rouges but wild wolves and large predators. It wasn’t the road you took if you wanted safe travels.
“They must be counting on the wild wolves in those woods to buy them time,” Alaric said, already pulling off his shirt as we headed to the door.
We were outside in a matter of seconds, barely clearing the threshold before our wolves burst through our human skin. Nothing would deter us. I refused to let any obstacle impede our mission to retrieve Isolde and thwart the Council’s despicable plans.
A chorus of howls sounded as we raced toward the east gate and the uncertainty beyond.
The forest was quiet. Small animals and vermin did their best to remain invisible as we ventured into the darkening woods. The bond pulsed, a beacon leading us toward the one I held dear.
Alaric and Valor took point, using their superior senses to guide the expedition toward our targets. My wolf picked up faint traces of fear and remnants of the neutralizing spray in the area.
My heart was a wild, untamed thing, saliva gathering in my maw as we thought of what we would do to the abductors once we got our teeth and claws into them. In the face of imminent danger, our unity bolstered our spirits, propelling us forward. We would reclaim Isolde, protect our pack’s future, and escape the Council’s tyrannical grip. Nothing would stand in our way.
The dense forest encroached upon us, every step a struggle against tangled branches and thick undergrowth. My wolf fought against the unfamiliar terrain and uneven, mossy ground.
Alaric’s red-brown wolf yipped, and the sound reverberated through the woods. His excitement seeped into our bond, and he steered us left, a surge of hope echoing through our heads. He’d found her.
A fresh, distinct scent surged through the trees—Isolde’s scent. A growl tore through my chest.
Every muscle in my body strained as I pushed myself harder. The trees blurred around me as I sprinted, the anticipation of reaching Isolde calling to my soul. Our bond hummed with purpose, a lifeline guiding us through the labyrinth of the forest.
With every stride, I willed myself faster. The only thing that mattered was finding Isolde and ensuring her safety. Our pack’s future hung in the balance.
Our group burst into a clearing, and my eyes snapped to a distant incline, making out four figures moving quickly through the trees. I spotted a flash of raven hair as one of the shiftersyanked Isolde forward. She stumbled, knees hitting the dirt before she was dragged to her feet again.
A series of warning growls shook the earth as I lunged forward, Alaric and Bishop at my side. Our Enforcers fanned out, surrounding the unsanctioned wolves. They were still far ahead of us, but they grew closer every second as my wolf ate the distance.
One of the males looked back, informing the others of our presence. Two stopped, turning to face us, while the third pulled Isolde up the hill. They were going to fight so the other would get away.
I will rip out the throat of anyone who stands in my way, my wolf snarled.
Rage and bloodlust clouded my mind, and my wolf reacted on instinct. My vision tunneled when the scent of Isolde’s fear hit my wolf’s nostrils. I ignored the two wolves barreling toward us, leaving them for Alaric and Bishop as I made a beeline for the male with my mate.
The shifter sensed my proximity and turned, holding Isolde before him like a shield.