Page 13 of My Boss's Sons
She just jogged faster. “What do you mean? Of course, you’ll see them again. My boys will call you if they know what’s good for them. You’re the most put together woman I’ve ever seen them bring home. Not that they’ve brought anyone home in forever. They don’t live at home because they’re grown up now. Oh, goodness. I just think it has to mean something that you’re not a mess. I bet they’ll be calling you before you even get home.”
Ispun around so fast that Mary ran into me and we both went down hard. I landed on my elbow and hip, but Mary managed to scrape both hands and knees. My heart lodged in my throat when I saw tears form in her eyes. Immediately, I took her hands in mine and looked them over. “I’m so sorry, Mary. Here, let me help you back to the building.”
She forced a laugh and let me help her up. “I’m fine. You’re going to be late for your appointment.”
I sighed and met her light blue eyes. Light blue just likeherboys. Was that the only thing nagging at my brain? She looked so familiar but it had to be the eyes. “Truth?”
She nodded. “I was just trying to escape. I do have to get home to my daughter, but she’s with my sister, so I’m sure she’s mostly okay.”
“You have a daughter? That’s great!” She noticed my expression and laughed. “I have three sons in their mid-twentieswho haven’t once mentioned kids or settling down. At this point, I’m accepting any kind of kid. I just want a grandbaby.”
“Mary…” I grunted. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m not their girlfriend. I just… I mean, I just spent the night with them. I don’t normally do things like that, but-”
“So, they must’ve been something special to you, too.” She wasn’t backing down.
“It was a one-night stand, Mary. I’m really sorry for getting your hopes up.” I rubbed my hand down my face and felt gritty mascara smeared under my eyes. “Look at me. You don’t want me as your daughter-in-law anyway. Trust me. I tried doing the daughter-in-law thing before and it didn’t end well.”
Mary grinned brightly as she looked ahead and then glanced back at me. “There are worse things to try twice, honey.”
I opened my mouth to tell her that I was never going to try that particular thing twice but the feeling of the air pressure changing around us had me lifting my head. Coming out of their building in just a pair of low-slung pants, Noah’s eyes were on me and they were narrowed dangerously.
“Oh, look. Here’s my Noah now.” Mary patted my arm and reached up to pat my hair. “I guess it’s fine since he probably made it that way…”
My entire body felt like I’d been put in an oven. Their mother was crazy. I would’ve loved every bit of her if she wasn’t focusing that crazy on me.
“What the hell happened? You’re both bleeding.” Noah’s voice was even deeper first thing in the morning and when I glanced up at him, the styled hair from the night before was gone. His hair looked worse than mine, if possible. Only, his made him charming, which wasn’t fair.
Marytsked at her son. “Noah, watch your mouth when you’re speaking to a lady. I was walking your friend out and we had aspill. Help us up to the apartment and give us some first-aid. I think your friend here needs mouth-to-mouth.”
Noah’s cheeks pinkened. “Mother. Really?”
I held up my hands and took a step backwards but his gaze shifted to mine and the hard stare he shot me had me freezing. “I was going to let you take care of your mother. I have an appointment…”
“No, she doesn’t.” Mary giggled at me. “You’re not getting away that easily.”
“Both of you need to have those cuts cleaned up. There’s no telling what you picked up from the sidewalk. Come on.” Noah nodded at me. “Don’t make me pick you up and carry you inside.”
Mary clapped her hands. “Oh, Noah! This is just like that book we read in book club a few years ago. The one they turned into a movie with that beautiful Irish actor. Something about gray… Oh!”
I was going to dig the hole I needed to open under me if I didn’t escape the two of them fast. “Fifty Shades of Gray.”
Noah shot me a look like he was demanding to know why I’d help his mother out with the title, but I was wondering the same thing myself. “Mom, stop. Please.”
I nodded. “Yes, please. I’m only so strong. This is officially the most embarrassed I’ve ever been and I’d like to run away now.”
Mary gasped. “Do not be embarrassed… What’s your name?”
I squeezed my eyes shut. “Sophia.”
“Do not be embarrassed, Sophia. You’re a modern woman. You have needs and going home with three very eligible bachelors is perfectly fine. If anyone looks at you differently because of that, they can sit on a corncob. Do you understand me?” She turned to her son. “Did you say anything to make her think this was embarrassing?”
Noah held up his hands and stared up at the sky. “You’re killing me.”
“If I find out that you or your brothers said anything to make Sophia think less of herself, I’ll pull you over my knee and spank you. You’re not too old.”