Page 35 of My Boss's Sons
My stomach sank as I spun around and spotted Davis standing at the edge of the pool, glaring down at Noah. Unwinding my limbs from Noah, I swam over to the ladder and climbed out. “What are you doing here, Davis?”
“I came to spend a few hours with my daughter. What the fuck is going on here, Sophia?” He gripped my elbow and tugged me away from the pool. “You invited these guys here to play with our kid? Do you even know them?”
“You should leave, Davis. This is awkward and I’m not sure you can control yourself.”
Lily called to him from the pool. “Dad! Come play! You’re the rotten egg now! Mom, make him walk the plank.”
Davis smirked down at me. “I guess I’m staying.”
I rubbed my face and forced a smile as I turned back to Lily. “Dad doesn’t need to walk the plank. Noah already did, Lily.”
Ava climbed out of the pool and walked over to me. “I say we make him walk the plank. Right into traffic.”
I grunted an agreement and watched in horror as my ex-husband stripped down to his briefs and stood on the diving board, posing with his muscles flexed while trying to make it look natural. “This is a nightmare.”
“Make him leave, Soph. He has no right to show up and crash this party.” Ava nodded to where the guys and Milo were hanging out against the wall of the pool, talking to each other while looking back and forth between me and Davis. “This has to be painfully awkward for them.”
Before I could respond, Alex swam to our side of the pool and climbed out. His tattoo covered body was a wet dream come true as he walked towards me like a fucking cologne ad. He gripped my hips and ducked his head to kiss me. His tongue dipped into my mouth and then he pulled back and winked at me. “You’re wanted in the pool.”
I let out a squeal of laughter as he picked me up bridal style, as if I weighed nothing, and dove into the pool with me. Lily was cheering when we came up and I was breathless from being carried like that.
I clung to Alex and grinned when he slipped a single finger down the back of my swimsuit, just to stroke my bare ass. “What was that?”
He pressed his forehead to mine. “Just letting your ex know that you’re taken.”
Raising a single eyebrow, I pretended like the primal part of my brain didn’t love hearing those words from him. “I’m taken?”
He nodded. “It’s embarrassing that you didn’t already know.”
I laughed and shoved away from him. “I think someone’s getting ahead of themselves.”
“Mom! Let’s play the hide and seek game!” Lily was a fish in the water and had learned to swim before she could even walk across a room by herself. She loved the different pool games and insisted that we play them nonstop. “Dad, come on!”
I stood up in the shallow end and did the thing that I didn’t want to ever do. “Noah, Ethan, Alex, this is Davis, Lily’s father. Davis, this is Noah, Ethan, and Alex.”
Davis stood too close to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Also your husband.”
I glared at him. “Ex-husband.”
Ethan whistled and pointed up to the sky. “Is that a fighter jet?”
Everyone looked up, even me, and when we did, Ethan took my hand and pulled me away from Davis and into his chest. He stood behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist, just under the water.
“Huh. It must’ve just been a bird.” He shrugged and cleared his throat. “So. Are we playing something?”
I tried to hide my smile by fiddling with my straps and avoiding looking at anyone. “Marco Polo. It’s Lily’s favorite.”
“Yeah! I get to pick who plays Marco!” Lily looked around at us and pointed to Alex. “You’re Marco, Alex! Do you know how to play?”
Alex smiled and reached his fist out to her. When she bumped his fist with hers, he nodded at me. “You raised a cool kid. And yes, I believe Idoknow the game. Thank you for picking me. Just for that, later I’ll tell you where historians think the game originated.”
Davis hovered next to me but Ethan didn’t seem to mind. “Wedid raise a cool kid.”
“Okay, let’s play! Aunt Ava! Come on!” Lily flipped out of her float and stuck her tongue out at Alex. “You’re never going to catch me.”