Page 44 of My Boss's Sons
“I tried.”
There was a noticeable limp to Sophia’s walk on Monday morning when she came into her office. I shot a glare at Alex. I was bitter that he hadn’t let us come to his studio while he’d tattooed Sophia and that he’d come home looking like he’d won the lottery. To see that he’dhurther, too? It was unacceptable.
I walked over to slam the door shut before pulling Sophia across the room and into my lap after I sat in her desk chair. Pulling her skirt up while she laughed and struggled against my hands, I kept shooting glares at Alex. “What the fuck did you do to her?”
“Noah!” Sophia was breathing hard by the time I got her skirt worked up to her hips but judging by the look in her eyes, it wasn’t purely from struggling.
I pulled her legs open so I could see the large covered tattoo on her thigh. I couldn’t tell what the design was under the plastic covering but I knew it would be good because Alex was anexpert. Still. She was limping too much. “Come here and look at it. Is it okay?”
Sophia scoffed. “What the hell? Of course, it’s okay! Also, you can’t just invite your brothers over to look at my vagina in the middle of my office!”
I tilted my head so I could see her face. “I was talking about the tattoo, Sophia.”
Her entire face went bright red before she slapped her hands over it. “Oh, my god.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “First of all, I know your pussy is better than okay. It’s amazing and if I needed to check it out, I’d do it my goddamn self. Second of all, you’re limping. I want Alex to get his ass over here and make sure he didn’t fuck something up.”
“Tattoos hurt, asshole. She’s fine.” Alex looked too smug for my liking. “I know because I checked this morning and got a very lovely picture for my troubles.”
I pulled Sophia’s hands from her face. “You sent that dickhead a picture?”
She tugged her skirt down and surprised me by gently kissing me. I felt the tip of her tongue brush over my lips but then she was gone, standing up and straightening her skirt suit. “Of mythigh. Because, yes, it does hurt. Apparently, I chose quite the spot for my first and only tattoo.”
“Only?” Alex’s face was really starting to piss me off. “You’re willing to give up that sort of incentive program?”
Sophia’s eyes went dreamy for a moment. “Well…”
I looked up as Randal walked in. I was willing to admit that I’d judged him too quickly. He’d proven himself time and time again in the week I’d been around. I still wished he worked further away and knocked, though.
“The four of you are being summoned for a meeting with Mr. Anderson upstairs.” He looked at Sophia and hesitated. “He wants to see you first.”
Sophia’s body language changed completely upon hearing his words. She lost the soft edge she’d been showing us more and more. It was like watching wax touch cold water, she stiffened up immediately. “Sure. I’ll head up then.”
I glanced over at my brothers to see if they’d noticed her shift and found both of them frowning. I didn’t understand the mood shift. Our dad could be a hard ass but we’d done our job and he had nothing to complain about. He’d probably lose his shit over us sleeping with Sophia, but we weren’t going to advertise that to him. I didn’t get why everyone was suddenly stiff and unhappy.
“We’ll come up with you.” I stood and straightened my suit. “Thanks, Randal.”
He nodded at me before shooting another concerned look at Sophia. She sent him a forced smile and then marched out of her office, towards the elevator. Ethan and Alex followed her but I hesitated.
“What’s going on?” I asked Randal the question I felt like I couldn’t ask anyone else.
Randal shot a hard look my way. “You’ve worked next to Sophia for a week and I can tell that your respect level has gone way up for her. She’s amazing. Yet she’s been passed up for every promotion she applies for. Why do you think that is?”
“I don’t know and I don’t think I like where you’re going with this.”
He shook his head. “I’m not going to spell anything out for you. Pay attention and it won’t take you long to pick up things around here.”
“If you’re just going to be cryptic, don’t bother saying anything at all. It’s not helpful.” I straightened my suit and moved pasthim. “If you decide you want to talk to me about it, I’m willing to listen.”
Ethan was waiting for me at the elevator. “Sophia was in a rush to get up there. I told her we’d catch the next ride up.”
I nodded and shoved my hands in my pockets. The look on Sophia’s face was bothering me and I thought about talking to Ethan about it, but it all left a weird feeling in my gut that I didn’t like. I didn’t want to spread any doubt I was feeling to anyone else.
“Everything good?”