Page 28 of Crowns of Ice
“That’s knowledge I typically don’t share with others,” I said in a clipped tone.
Bavar immediately dipped his chin. “Ah, apologies. My lips are sealed, but truly”—he shook his head—“you Solis are entirely fascinating. Tell me, have you ever considered spending more time on Earth? Your capabilities could prove extremely useful to the SF. I’m sure General McCloy would offer you positions if you’re interested?”
“No,” all six of us replied simultaneously.
A hint of pride rolled through me that even Ilara and Haxil had been quick to deny such an invitation, which only secured my belief in where their loyalties lay. While their curious minds and love of learning made them inquisitive about this land, their allegiance was to our fellow fae on our continent. And while even I had enjoyed our journeys to the strange lands of theotherrealm, this wasn’t where any of our priorities lay.
Bavar sighed. “Very well, but if you should ever change your mind...”
Out of courtesy, I replied, “Thank you. If any of us endeavor to be employed by your facility, we shall be sure to communicate those wishes.”
“Very well.” Bavar clapped again. “Anywho, I’m most intrigued to learn what brings you here today, and I do apologize that I was unable to see you in the Nolus capital. When my staff contacted me, alerting me to your return visit, this was the best compromise I could think of. I’m afraid my SF squad is dealing with a bit of a situation at the moment, so I was unable to departfrom Earth.”
Ilara and Haxil shared another curious look, and I knew it was from Bavar’s reference to asquad.
“But that’s none of your concern.” Bavar grinned again. “Please, follow me. Per SF protocol, we must visit the identification processing room before you proceed farther. I don’t have much time, but if more issues have arisen on the Solis continent, then I do indeed want to be informed. I’m assuming that’s what prompted this visit today?”
I nodded as we followed him along the gray-walled walkway. “You would be right. War is coming.”
“War?” Bavar’s orange eyebrows shot up, and all casualness left his expression. “You’re marching upon the Nolus?”
“No,” Ilara cut in. “Civil war. We’re working to dethrone the Solis king, and we have no doubt the king will viciously fight such an attempt.”
“Oh my.” Bavar brought a hand to his chest. “While wars on the continents do occur, as tragic as they are, I must be honest and confess that I’m relieved to hear my homeland won’t be involved.”
“And it shan’t be if we’re able to stop it,” I replied. “We have no interest in your land or extending our border. We merely want the wickedness of my father to stop and peace to return to all Solis fae.”
Bavar dipped his head. “Of course. As do I, but that is most troubling. Most troubling indeed.”
The SF commanderled us to a large room within the strange building. The hallways we’d traveled all had the same drab gray color. There were no decorations, no tapestries, no murals, nor flowers. And only a few of the halls had windows, which revealed an entire array of buildings and training facilities outside. None of which had been visible behind that red, wavy barrier we’d encountered in the field.
“Does an illusion hide all of this facility?” I asked just as we entered a huge room. A handful ofothersupernatural creatures, along with several Nolus fae, appeared hard at work. A long workstation ran along the perimeter of the circular room. Several of the workers sat in front of strange foreign devices with images that appeared real but were see-through.How odd.
“Indeed it does.” Bavar sauntered toward the desk. “We conceal our activities from the humans. Illusions are a necessity. Our sorcerers come in handy for that.” Bavar turned toward one of the workers. “Eliza? Would you be so kind as to process my guests’ identities? I would like to take them to a conference room to discuss their concerns, and I’m afraid time is of the essence.”
One of the females pulled off a strange headband that had a floating string attached to it that angled to her mouth, and she rushed over. “Of course, sir.” Her cherub cheeks lifted when she smiled. She was a Nolus fairy with slightly glowing skin and purple hair. She bowed at all of us. “Welcome, fine fae of theSolis continent.” She dipped her head, bringing a fist to her chest. “I have not seen your kind in many years.”
Haxil canted his head. “You’ve met Solis fae before?”
The female nodded. “Indeed. My name is Eliza River, and I hail from Elsfairdasvee. We occasionally have your kind upon our land.”
“Ah!” Ilara smiled and brought her fist to her chest before bowing in traditional greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Ilara Seary, daughter of Mervalee Territory. My home territory is just across the border from your village.”
Eliza grinned, revealing her pointy teeth. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She pulled a strange-looking device from her belt. “Will you kindly hold out your inner wrists so I may scan you?”
When all six of us frowned, Eliza said in a rush, “This device will scan your skin and will reveal your true species. I’m afraid it’s required for all visitors for safety purposes.”
Grumbling, Nish lifted his sleeve as the rest of us did the same without complaint.
I exposed my inner wrist, allowing her to point her device at my bare skin. An eruption of strange-looking lights emitted from the device. Following that, a warm tingling sensation shot up my arm before a symbol glowed on my wrist briefly before disappearing.
“Fairy, not surprising.” Eliza held her device over Ilara, and it scanned my mate’s wrist. The device madea beeping sound, and Eliza cocked her head. “Fairy and Angel. Interesting.”
My mate and I shared a side-eye before my four guards were assessed.
“All fairies, and one is also part angel,” Eliza called to Major Fieldstone. “They’re cleared for entry under your care.”
Bavar bowed. “Many thanks.” He waved toward us. “If you would kindly follow me.”