Page 35 of Crowns of Ice
The Fire Wolf nodded, and I could have sworn that a flare of flames danced in his eyes. “If my scrying’s correct, he’s on the hunt for another sacrifice. If we get to him in time, we may save a life tonight.”
We decided to travel together,using one of the hunter’s portal keys. Even though I told him the SF had supplied us with a dozen of them, on top of what the sentry at the Nolus palace had given us, the hunter still insisted we conserve them.
“You never know when you might need one.” He waved everyone closer. “We all need to be holding hands.”
“Where are we going?” Ilara asked as her fingers threaded through mine.
“He’s currently in northern Canada.”
“Do you mind explaining that a bit further?” Haxil frowned. “I’m afraid we are not familiar with the different lands of your realm.”
“It’s a country north of here. It would appear the warlock has ventured to a remote area in the Mackenzie Mountains in the Yukon. It’s a tactic warlocks often useto avoid detection from the Supernatural Forces. If warlocks are able to successfully hunt an unsuspecting human in a remote area of our world, it can be weeks to months before anyone’s aware of the individual’s disappearance. By that time, many have been missing for so long that few clues remain. It makes it harder to track warlocks, and it’s probably why this one has gone so long undetected. Most warlocks leave a path of bodies in their wakes. Their lust for power and blood can consume them, but the warlock we met seems to be able to control his bloodlust enough to stay off the radar.”
I grunted, and even though the Fire Wolf had used a number of terms I was unfamiliar with, I understood his meaning. “In that case, I look forward to this.”
“Do you have the looking glass?” Ilara glanced at my glamoured clothes. “We’ll need to record what happens. We need every bit of evidence captured completely to show the council.”
I brushed my knuckles over her cheek. “It’s still safely tucked within my cloak even though you can’t see it. We’ll be able to record what occurs if we capture the warlock.”
She breathed a sigh of relief before straightening her spine. “Then let’s find him.”
“Ready?” the Fire Wolf asked.
“Whenever you are,” Ryder replied.
In a swirl of the portal key’s magic, the land of Portland disappeared.
We reappearedin an area filled with white snow and crisp air. Mountains rose all around us as thick forest covered a hillside. Trees covered in green needles, or bare save for thin branches, rose alongside us as fresh, clean air swirled around our limbs. Bird song trilled through the breeze, making this new land seem peaceful and idyllic.
“How lovely,” Nish commented even though he looked a bit green from the portal transfer. He breathed deeply, soaking in the winter air. “This feels more like home.”
“Indeed,” I agreed. “Is the warlock near here?”
The hunter’s nostrils flared just as the faint set of rot hit my senses. I stiffened.
“He is. Do you smell him?” the hunter replied.
I nodded as my guards pulled their swords free while magic began to vibrate around my mate. Wings burst from Ilara’s back, and their beautiful shimmery white color blended into the snowy landscape.
The hunter inclined his head away from where we’d appeared. “Follow me. He’s currently waiting within a human’s cabin. My guess is that since the warlock’s stationary, the cabin’s owner is currently out, most likely in these woods somewhere. With any luck, we’ll catch the warlock unaware.”
We crept silently through the snow, our footsteps light and undetectable. Even the hunter remained silent, making me think about his earlier comment that hunting prey was his normal daily activity.
The faint rotting scent grew more potent the fartherwe moved from our original location. Through the trees, just ahead from where we walked, a building emerged.
Wooden slats. A highly peaked roof. One chimney. The house was simple and rustic, similar in appearance to what I would find on the northern edges of our continent.
When we reached the end of the trees, a clearing spread before us. A small yard had been made around the cabin. The hunter kneeled, and we followed his lead, hunkering closer to the ground.
“Shall I cast an illusion over us to conceal our movements?” I asked him quietly.
“No, the warlock will be able to sense any magic used within the area. We need to attack quickly and silently without the aid of magic, at least, initially.”
“Where exactly is he in there?” Ilara nodded at the building.
“My scrying showed him waiting near the fireplace. He’s not trying to hide. He’s simply waiting for the cabin’s owner to return so he can sacrifice him.”
“Will he be able to see us from here?” Sandus asked as he brushed snow from his beard. A light dusting fell from the sky, but darker clouds were moving in.