Page 49 of Crowns of Ice
“Because he’s cruel, and he uses his own wife to control his son. For full seasons, King Novakin has abused the queen if Prince Norivun didn’t do as he commanded. He demanded that his son be portrayed as a tyrant and a murderer, and the prince fulfilled that role, because if he didn’t, his mother was horrifically tortured.”
Sounds of disgust rang from the crowd when the queen turned in the image, lifting her sleeves to reveal ugly slashes and lacerations along her arms and shoulders.
“That doesn’t prove the king did it!” a male yelled from the crowd. “Anyone could have given the queen those wounds.”
A few nodded in agreement, but uneasiness seeped through the crowd.
“It’s the truth. Keep watching.” I shone the looking glass over the crowd again, and after the queen had revealed the extent of her abuse, her eyes met the looking glass’s recording.
The queen’s voice rang out, clear and strong despite her physical state. “I’ve remained quiet for hundreds of winters, but no more. The male I’m married to, the male who sits atop the throne, is the male responsible for this.For more winters than I can count, King Novakin has beaten me, starved me, humiliated me, and done everything in his power to keep me contained.” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “Many of you know that I possess great magic, but I can no longer call forth my affinities. In a bid to control me and my children completely, the king commissioned a powerful spell to suppress my power. For dozens of winters, I haven’t been able to call forth my magic, and it’s been festering inside me ever since. But I’m coming forward now because it’s time for his tyrannical rule to end. King Novakin is not who he seems. He’s a monster, and it’s time that the Solis fae of our great continent know that and put a stop to his rule.”
When the image flickered out of existence, nothing but the wind whistling through the street made a sound.
My heart was beating so fast that blood thundered in my ears.
I gazed at all of the fae who’d been at my side since the day I was born. Swallowing the thickness in my throat, I stared at them imploringly. “The king used Queen Lissandra as leverage to control the crown prince. If Prince Norivun doesn’t do as he commands, he abuses the prince’s mother. What you just witnessed is a common state that our queen, the female we all love and cherish, resides in. Now tell me if that’s truly a male you want atop the throne? A male who not only abuses his wife but will just as soon starve and abuse you if you don’t do what he wants. Tell me that’s not a male you want stopped.”
Silence reigned, and my heart thundered so fast I felt lightheaded.
Flapping my wings more, I said, “I know all of this is coming as a shock to you, but it’s important that you know the truth. It’s important thatallof the fae on our continent know what’s really gone on. Prince Norivun isn’t who you’ve been led to believe. Thekingisn’t who you believe him to be either.” I flung an arm toward my mate, who still stood with a carefully guarded expression.
“The king is a liar,” I shouted. “Everything you’ve known has been a lie, but I’m pleading with all of you to consider what I’m telling you. Our continent is on the brink of war. The king wants to march on the Nolus fae and steal their land. He commissioned that warlock to create the veil within Isalee in order to drum up support for a war. He’s been starvingall of youso that you’re more malleable and are able to be manipulated for his personal gain.”
Several villagers glanced at one another, shock and wariness apparent in their expressions, yet I still felt their hesitance to believe everything.
“I know I’m turning everything you’ve ever known upside down, but you all deserve to know the truth.”
“’s true!” Haxil all but growled as he stepped forward. “Everything Ilara is telling you is what’s been happening. The prince’s guards and I have witnessedeverythingshe’s claiming.” He gestured toward Nish, Ryder, and Sandus, all of whom stood taller and gave firm nods. “For many winters, we’vewatched the king abuse the queen and her sons—Prince Norivun and Prince Nuwin. Forfull seasons, we’ve remained silent out of respect of Prince Norivun’s wishes, but I cannot tell you how much I’ve burned for you all to know the truth. This male”—Haxil pointed at the prince, who stood unmoving beside him—“has suffered for many winters under the king’s hand. We’ve remained silent, but no more. As Ilara said, war is coming, but now the question becomes on which side you will fight. Will you fight with a tyrant who would willingly feed you to that warlock or for a prince who’s fought silently for you his entire life?” Haxil pointed at the looking glass. “And remember,looking glasses can’t lie. Everything you just saw is true. The Isalee field. The warlock’s confession, which was done under a fairy bargain, would have struck him dead if he lied.Everythingyou just witnessed is real. How can any of you not see that?”
Ryder jutted his chin up. “The true question becomes, do you wish to stay upon your land, continuing to live as you always have, or do you wish to slaughter the neighbors south of us and steal the continent that is rightfully theirs?”
Several females covered their mouths as wings ruffled around the village males.
“Because that is what will occur if King Novakin stays in power,” Ryder growled.
Finally, a female in the crowd broke the quiet. She made a sound of disgust.
Then another grumbled before spitting on the ground.
And another glowered heavily before planting her hands on her hips.
Several of the males did the same.
“To abuse one’s wife...that’s despicable behavior.” One of the older males crossed his arms. “Solis don’t harm our females. We protect them when they can’t protect themselves. Only a weak male would do such a thing.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to tell them that our archon had been one of those males, but Vorl held no place in the discussion here. That was a conversation for another day.
“And to march on our neighbors to take what’s theirs is also abhorrent!” another shouted.
“We’ve never had a problem with the Nolus.” A male’s brow furrowed. He was a laborer like me. I’d grown up working in the fields beside him. “I have no desire to march upon their land.”
“Neither do I!” A female clutched her child closer to her. She’d been a friend of my mother’s, and more than once, she’d come to our home to join us in my mother’s favorite game of cards. “War brings nothing but death and destruction. It’s been hundreds of winters since the territories were at war when the king united us all, but that strife was nothing like the true wars.” She shuddered. “My grandmother told me what life was like during the elvish wars.” Her eyes grew distant and haunted as her tiny aura buzzed. “Eventhough that was thousands of seasons ago, she still remembered. I have no desire to see my children starved or killed.”
The prince’s aura strengthened as more and more villagers voiced their desire for peace.
“Then we ask that you help us spread the word.” I flapped my wings again and soared over the crowd, the looking glass on full display for all of them to see as the scenes again portrayed our battle with the warlock, the warlock’s confession in Canada, and their queen’s abused state. “Telleverybodyyou know what you were shown today. Tell them the truth of Prince Norivun, the vindictive scheming of the king, and the abuse that the royal family has suffered for dozens of winters under the hand of King Novakin. Help us stop the king from starting another war!”