Page 61 of Crowns of Ice
Ilara’s grip on my arms tightened, and her love for me surged through our bond. For a moment, I couldn’t speak. My throat grew thick as my mate’s entire family gazed at me with determination and resolve writtenupon their features.
“Anybody caught by my father’s guards will be executed on sight,” I said softly, hoping they understood exactly what they were requesting.
Her father’s throat bobbed in a swallow. “We know.”
I pressed a kiss to Ilara’s temple and released her. Standing, my hands pumped into fists. “It’s possible he’ll torture some of you to learn where you’ve been all this time.”
Tormesh’s wings flexed. “We’re not afraid, my prince, and we’re not naïve. We know the risks we’re taking.”
Ilara took a deep breath. Similar fears were running through the bond from her, but the strength of where she’d inherited her character was shining in this room. Her family might have been poor, they might have only been field laborers and been looked down upon by the nobles of the Winter Court, but etched into all of their faces was the core of strength that our great nation had been forged upon. Here, within this room, was what the Solis spoke of when they boasted of our infallible courage.
I took a deep breath. Magic vibrated along my limbs. “All right, if you’re sure. I won’t stop any of you from fighting. But those who do not want to partake may remain here—safe and hidden.”
Once word got out where all of these fae had been hiding, my father would hunt for them. But my illusions were strong, my wards thick.
I could only pray to the Blessed Mother that my magic was enough to keep them safe.
It tookCailis fifty-three attempts before she was able to successfully turn one of the mirrors into a looking glass and then transfer the recording to it.
But she’d done it, just as Ilara said she would.
Cailis breathed heavily, her aura pounding from her with determination as a grin streaked across her face. “It worked!”
Tormesh whooped, and Ilara’s mother and father clapped.
I watched in amazement as a scene from the Isalee field, then Canada, played before us. Who would have thought that a young laboring female from Mervalee had the wit and character to pull off such a feat. It only made me wonder how many other fae on our great continent were also capable of so much more than what their lives had asked of them.
“Well done, sister.” Ilara squeezed her in a hug.
The scene continued to play in the looking glass, and we all watched as it showed us with the Fire Wolf destroying the veil and then battling the warlock and ultimately tricking him into confessing.
“Your children are truly remarkable,” I commented to her parents as Cailis reached for the second mirror.
“That they are,” Farahn agreed. Pride shone in her eyes.
Ilara gazed up at me impishly. The teasing light that entered her eyes was like a punch to my gut.Blessed Mother, this female could control me with only a look.
“I told you she could do it.” Ilara bumped her arm playfully against mine.
I laughed. “You weren’t wrong.”
Tormesh scratched his chin, then dug into his pocket. “How many rulibs do I owe you?” he asked Ilara.
“Just one.” She held out her palm, and glowing satisfaction burst across her cheeks. “But I believe that’s the third time you’ve lost against me in the past two winters.”
Tormesh rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, don’t rub it in.” He shook his head and grumbled, “You would think my faked death would have made you forget those bets.”
Ilara snorted. “As if death could stop me from rubbing your nose in a loss.”
Her father put a hand to his forehead and sighed before shaking his head.
“Are they always this competitive?” I asked her parents.
Her mother sighed. “Always.”
Her father placed his hands on his hips. “You should see how they are when Birnee and Finley get involved. They place bets on everything, especially when it’s the females against the males.”
I crossed my arms and couldn’t help but think of my guards as I watched my mate with her siblings. A similar comradery existed between the five of us.