Page 8 of Crowns of Ice
He jerked his chin toward the ruined glass doors, and the four walked stiffly away. Away from me. Away from my mate.
But we couldn’t win today.
My father clasped his hands beneath his great blackwings. A cruel smile lifted his lips. “Well, as I’d been about to say earlier, I had some visitors in your absence, as you can see.” He cocked an eyebrow at Drachu, then waved toward where Tylen had retreated. “It seems you’ve been busy during the past three weeks.”
Drachu’s lips peeled back. “He certainly has.”
“I believe you own something of the Lochen king’s.” My fathertsked. “Really, Nori. Such bad manners to steal something that doesn’t belong to you.”
A sound came from the exit. I tensed and listened. My mate’s calls were barely discernible now she was so far away, but every distant scream from Ilara was like a stab in my heart.
“You won’t win,” the king said calmly. He strolled in front of me again.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The king rounded on his guards. “See that he’s taken to his chambers and locked inside. Our new, dear friend, Tylen, has agreed to stay at the Court of Winter until my son returns what belongs to Drachu. I would like Tylen to visit the prince hourly if needed to ensure Norivun does as I command.”
I staggered back, nearly tripping since my ankles were bound.Hourly?I would never be able to fight my father if Tylen continually suppressed my magic.
The palace guards dragged me away, and Drachu and my father grinned.
It was the last thing I saw before the doors closed behind me.
The guards forced me down a spiral staircase. Down, down, down. I called for Norivun just to let him know that I wasn’t giving up, that I wasn’t going to go quietly. But eventually his answering yells grew faint, then so silent I could no longer hear anything other than my own breathing and the guards’ heavy steps.
Fairy lights dotted the stairwell’s walls, illuminating the stark interior. Dank, cold stones slipped beneath my feet. With each step that passed, the air grew frostier, muskier, and damper. Closing my eyes, I tried to pull on my air affinity, in hopes it would give me a hint of what was at the bottom of the stairs, but...nothing. My affinities were still entirely suppressed, but I took some comfort in knowing that Tylen’s touch had been so fleeting. With any luck, my magic would be back by the time we reached wherever we were going.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked.
“The dungeons are at the very bottom of the keep, m’lady,” the guard on my left replied. He was young, probably no more than thirty winters. His jaw was tight, his eyes wide. He kept glancing over his shoulder, as though waiting for the Bringer of Darkness to appear like a phantom from the shadows and exact his horrific revenge.
I scoffed. “You should be afraid.”
His throat bobbed, and his grip on me tightened. “Is it true that Prince Norivun is your mate?”
“Yes. We’re eternally bound.”
The guard on my right sneered. “Bollocks. The prince is to marry Lady Endalaver.”
I hissed. “Look for yourself.” I tried to whip my hand up for him to see, but the restraints held them behind my back, and with my affinities and magic still locked down, I could barely move.
Their footsteps slowed. Each of them glanced at one another over my head.
“You look,” the one on the right finally said with a grunt.
They stopped, and the younger one bent down and turned my hand. When his thumb brushed against the raised silver ink on my finger, he shot to standing, his eyes widening as he plastered himself to the wall. “Ock, Sillian, it’s true! She’s his eternal mate. Oh Mother, oh Blessed Mother, he’s going to kill us. Surely, he’ll?—”
“Shut the fuck up, Earlish! We’re doing as theking’scommanded even if she’s not lying. We can’t be held liable for that.” Sillian’s tone faltered when he added, “Surely, the prince will see that. Now, come on. Let’s get her down there and get out of here.”
They continued our descent until we reached the bottom of the stairs. Two new guards flanked an arched steel door with dozens of locks and bolts.
“Newest prisoner?” one drawled.
“She’s the crown prince’s mate,” Earlish replied. “Lady Seary. She competed in the Rising Queen Trial.”
The second guard straightened, then actually looked at me. When he assessed my black hair and wingless back, his eyes widened. “What’s she doing here?”