Page 95 of Crowns of Ice
“You did actually,” Nuwin interrupted. “Your exact words last night were,The Achul family has spread enough terror across the land. The time has come to change the blood that sits on the throne. That was what you said, correct?”
Lord Crimsonale clenched his jaw but didn’t deny it. Michas, not present today, also shared that belief from what I’d heard from the whispering among the staff.
I eyed my brother. While still grieving in his own way, Nuwin had also shoved the pain of losing our mother to the side. He’d remained steadfast in the past three weeks, the first to defend me should anyone utter so much as a word of contempt in my direction. He’d also been the first to declare to anyone who would listen that Ilara and I had been working all along to save our land. And that I’d, in fact, been working for full seasons to save the innocent fae my father had sought to destroy in his twisted plan to gain control of our realm’s continents.
Those on the Cliffs of Sarum had voiced their agreement with my brother. Some had even traveled to Solisarium to preach about my upstanding character.
Ilara’s family was also shouting their declarations from the rooftop. Despite Ilara urging them to join us in Solisarium, they’d declined, understanding that our seats on the throne weren’t guaranteed, not after what my father had done.
So after a brief visit with us last week, Ilara’s entire family had returned to their mission, Birnee and Finley joining them as they traveled from village to city, from territory to sea, showing everyone what we’d done with looking glasses that Cailis had continued to forge every chance she got.
Ilara’s newest friends and our servants had also become quite boisterous in their praise of us. Meegana, Beatrice, Balbus, Haisley, Patrice, and Daiseeum all declared us rightful and beloved rulers, and if anyservant so much as muttered otherwise, they’d gotten an earful. Or so I’d heard.
All of those fae supporting and cheering for us was an incredibly humbling experience. For the first time in my entire life, fae on our continent weren’t calling me a monster. They were calling me a fair ruler.
“So what will it be, Lord Crimsonale?” I arched an eyebrow. “Will you support my ascension to the throne while Ilara Seary is declared the rightful queen, or are you challenging us before this very council?”
Anger flared in Gregorian’s scent, sharp like iron. “I simply bring concerns, my prince. King Novakin deceived all of us. The Achul family has ruled for so many centuries that it nearly destroyed us all.”
“Myfathernearly destroyed us.” I corrected, “But not my grandfather or me.”
Lord Woodsbury wrinkled his nose.
I angled my sharp gaze toward him. “I suppose that you are in agreement with Gregorian, Lord Woodsbury?”
The Isalee archon squared his shoulders. His wings rippled. “I am, my prince. Lord Crimsonale makes a fair point. I’ve lost faith in the Achul family.”
Nish muttered something from the corner of the room, probably something along the lines of the archon holding a grudge since Ilara hadn’t married Arcane. Although, knowing Nish, it was said in much more colorful terms.
“This is growing tiresome, Lord Crimsonale.” Lady Busselbee looked down her nose at him. “You’re simplyhoping to gain control while the land remains in unrest. But if you can make such a claim, who’s to say the rest of us can’t? We cannot allow such lawlessness. Solis tradition dictates the oldest child of the king ascends to the throne. Making a decision otherwise would entirely uproot everything we stand for.”
“Exactly.” Lord Pinebeer nodded flagrantly. “This is entirely preposterous. Our territories are still so newly united that creating this kind of upheaval could only lead to further arguments and battles. Who’s to say each territory won’t act to gain their independence again? Such an act would create chaos, and we’d lose the strength we’ve gained as a united continent.”
Lord Crimsonale blew forcefully through his nose. “You’re pulling at straws. I’m simply saying the Achul line shouldn’t rule, not that we shouldn’t stay united as we’ve been.”
I drummed my fingers again. “So it’s justmeyou don’t want as king.”
Lord Woodsbury sighed. “Perhaps Lord Crimsonale’s idea to declare you the archon of Prinavee Territory and him the king of the Solis continent would be a beneficial compromise by all.”
“Compromise?” Sandus called from the corner. “That’s not a compromise. That’s stealing the bloody crown.”
I held up my hand as mutterings began around the table again. “There hasn’t been a Prinavee Territory archon since my father was declared king of the Soliscontinent after he united the territories. That title was absolved once a king was declared.”
“But that was only because your father had been archon of Prinavee Territory. Who’s to say there shouldn’t be a Prinavee Territory archon again, except this time, in addition to the king?” Lord Crimsonale countered. “Perhaps that is the role that suits you best.”
“Lovely,” Nuwin said, rolling his eyes. “In that case,I’llbe the Prinavee Territory archon, and my brother will be the king. Perfect. Solved. Now, how about we all head to dinner? I hear the chef is serving a delicious plate of ustorill roast with herbed potatoes and all the usual sides and fixings.” He made to stand from his chair, his black wings catching in the light. “Shall we?”
“Sit down, Prince Nuwin,” Lord Crimsonale growled. “You shall not be declared the archon of Prinavee Territory.”
“Ah, no? Perfect, then Norivun and Ilara will be declared the king and queen as they rightfully should be, and we’ll be done with this nonsense.”
Lord Crimsonale’s nostrils flared.
The squabbles continued. Crimsonale and Woodsbury repeatedly protested my ascension to the throne while Busselbee and Pinebeer staunchly opposed their propositions.
Strangely, Lady Wormiful remained quiet throughout most of the discussion, perhaps because her steadfast alliance with Lord Crimsonale was unraveling before my eyes. From what I could gather, the Osaravee Territory archon had failed to mention his ultimate planto steal the throne from their enemy while leaving his ally high and dry as he gained complete rule.
“Enough!” Ilara abruptly declared, standing from her seat. Her white wings spread out. She’d grown so proficient in her angel affinity that she regularly left them on display, her healing light only a second away if needed. “By birthright,Norivunis the next king of the Solis continent.”