Page 41 of Sunshine For Sale
Jimbob grumbles and wipes it away and then brings him in for a hug.
“Ah, you have company. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
He knows damn well what he’s doing, that much is certain, but Jimbob doesn’t call him out on it, just invites him to stay and hang out. The offer makes my heart shrivel a little. I don’t want to spend the evening with Ryan and Jimbob, I want to spend it just with him.
But I don’t admit that. And I really should just leave, but I end up following them outside, Jimbob lighting the fire while Ryan puts on some music. He’s really settled in, and I start to grow annoyed with the interruption, but part of me worries that if I leave, Ryan will stay the night. That he will cuddle up next to Jimbob and hold him until morning.
I don’t like that. Not one bit.
“So, Braxton,” Ryan says. “What are your intentions with my brother?”
Jimbob huffs a laugh just as the donkey comes over and brays loudly. Ryan rolls his eyes and tries to shoo him away, but only succeeds in making the donkey bray louder, right in his ear. That’s right, fucker. The donkey and I are buds. He’s helping me out.
“It seems that he likes this music,” Jimbob says with a smile, and Ryan purses his lips.
“He has quite the vocal chords for it. Sounds like one of the band,” I say, and Jimbob snorts a laugh.
Ryan’s eyes twinkle, and he bobs his head. “That he does. Now, tell me. Intentions.”
I stare at Ryan, not wanting to go there. It’s none of his business. It’s just not, and to be honest, I don’t know what my intentions are. I have no fucking idea. I just happen to like Jimbob and his body…and the way he kisses me.
“It’s not like that,” I say, and Ryan rolls his eyes.
“When I walked in, I could taste the lust rolling off you both. Don’t do the whole ‘I’m not gay’ thing. It’s uncouth.”
I stare at him, a little homicidal at the moment, and Jimbob sets a large hand on his stepbrother’s shoulder.
“Leave him alone, Ry. He doesn’t need to do a damn thing.” He glances at me and his chin tilts slightly. “Braxton and I are just friends. This is just friendly.”
I fold my arms across my chest and glower at him and then turn my gaze to Ryan. Something inside of me wants to scream and say that it’s not just friendly. I want Ryan to back off. I want to claim Jimbob so this fucker will go away. But instead, I just glare.
“Why areyouhere? What areyourintentions with Jimbob?”
Ryan grins at me. “Nothing bad, I assure you. I just like his bed. It’s very comfy.”
My fingers dig into my palms and my teeth grind together. He’s trying to get on my nerves and it’s working. I feel something like jealousy surge up within me, and I fucking hate it.
“Ryan, come on. You gotta leave him alone. You’re making it weird.” Jimbob shifts uncomfortably but of course, Ryan doesn’t stop. Pushy asshole.
Ryan waggles his eyebrows. “I like to make it weird. It’s my spiritual gift.”
I snort a laugh at that because damn, Ryan is kind of funny. I swear we’d get along if he wasn’t such a boner killer. I’d like him a whole lot more if he left. If Jimbob and I could sit by this fire alone.
But Ryan lingers, teasing Jimbob with a familiarity I don’t have and then proceeds to throw snarky comments my way. I try to ignore him, but end up grinding my teeth in response more than anything. My mood is plummeting, and I find myself standing up and stalking off. The donkey follows me, and I pat his head as he brays solemnly.
Seems even the donkey feels bad for me.
“Should just go home, huh?” I say, and the donkey just blinks at me with those long lashes. “Probably should. That fucker won’t leave.”
The donkey huffs at me, and I continue to wander around Jimbob’s property, the moon lighting my path.
“Hey,” Jimbob says, panting slightly as he jogs up next to me.
My heart flutters in my chest at his nearness and the fact that he followed me.
“Hi,” I say, feeling suddenly so damn needy. I need to be reassured.
“Sorry about Ryan. He’s gone now. I gave him a real come to Jesus meeting and he left. He’ll apologize when he sees you next time.”