Page 43 of Sunshine For Sale
With a small whimper, I explore his mouth with my tongue, his lips soft against mine. My hands splay across his chest and roam over his strong pecs. I love how solid he is, like a rock. Like a sculpture. Michaelangelo should have taken some notes on this man, should have captured him while carving into stone.
He would have been brilliant, would have been on display for centuries to come.
And yet, here he is, in Kansas. On a farm.
“Why the fuck do you always wear overalls?” I ask as I unhook one and push it off his strong shoulder.
“They make sense and they’re good for farm work. Why do you wear all black?”
I roll my eyes as I unhook the other clasp. “I happen to like the color.”
Jimbob cocks his head. “I think you’d look good in green, or maybe even pink.”
“Shut the hell up,” I say with a laugh and then fiddle with the neckline of his shirt. “You’d rather talk about clothing choices than kiss me?”
“You started it,” he says with a chuckle, and I roll my eyes.
“Shut up,” I murmur and then press my lips to his once more. He groans, his hand moving into my hair once more. I can feel his hard cock pressed against mine, and I rut against it, making him lose the ability to breathe.
“Be nice,” he says with a gasp, and I moan against him, unable to stand it anymore. I need it. Need him.
“Fine, but take this shirt off.”
I watch him slowly peel it off, giving myself a moment to think. I don’t know what the hell is happening here, what’s happening to me. And it’s not the fact that it’s a man who suddenly has my interest, although that is something in and of itself. Really, what’s even more insane about all of this is that I’m so enthralled with and horny foranyone. No one has ever caught my attention like this. And before I saw Jimbob, I would have said that I wasn’t gay, but now I’m not so sure.
This sugary-sweet, innocent man who seems too fucking good for the big, bad world. It makes no sense. He is nothing that I thought I’d want, and yet, here I am, on his lap, in a rickety chair, a fire crackling in the background.
“You’re so fucking big,” I say, marveling at his strength as my hand smooths over his chest and abs, watching the muscles ripple from my touch. He’s certainly built like he works on a farm, like he does hard labor all damn day. And I’ve seen it firsthand. Seen the flex of his muscles as he heaves those feed bags, as he bends over and lifts with his legs.
“Yeah, guess I am. You’re kinda small.”
I scoff. “Not everyone can be as big as you.”
“Hmm,” he says as he licks his lips again. He swallows roughly as he watches me, our gazes clashing. This is so fucking insane. I can’t believe I’m doing this, and outside of all places.
What I really need to do is run home away from this mindfuck of a man, but instead, I lean forward and kiss his warm chest.
My lips linger gently, a tender caress. I don’t bite or suck like I want to, and I’m mentally kicking myself as I press soft kisses against his skin, one after another. I trail kisses across his chest and down his stomach, defying physics as his firm hands hold me.
“How is this fair?” His voice comes out in raspy pants. “Me shirtless and you still wearing one?”
“Yeah, you want me to take mine off? Why don’t you use those nice Midwestern manners everyone raves about.”
His lips turn up in a grin. “Please, Braxton. I wanna see you. Bet you’re so pretty.”
“Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t we?” I ask, and he chuckles as I stand.
“Well, since you asked so nicely…” I pull away from him and I see worry cloud his eyes as he looks up at me, unmoving, like he thinks maybe I’ve changed my mind. Like maybe he’s asked too much.
This. Guy. I swear. He’s too fucking good for this world.
“Don’t worry, I’m not running. Not yet, at least. Not unless you give me a reason.”
He looks almost relieved, and then those eyes turn stormy as I pull my shirt off, tossing it behind me. I go for the buttons on my jeans next. His eyes are saucers now, but he still doesn’t move as I push my jeans down and off, leaving me clad in only a tight pair of boxer briefs.
“The cows gonna come and watch us?” I joke, and Jimbob chuckles, spreading his legs wide.
“No. Don’t think so. No one is gonna come by.”