Page 63 of Sunshine For Sale
“Right up here. You can stack them all fancy, if you want.”
I don’t know what that means, but I do my best. Looks like shit when I’m done though, so I rearrange it. I don’t want to fuck this up. I mean, if Ryan can do this, then I can too. I know how important the farmer’s market is to his whole family. They pride themselves on hard work and great quality, and it shows. What would be even better though, is if they had a website too. I checked last night when Jimbob was asleep next to me, and they don’t have a damn thing online.
I swear, these people out here. Living in the Stone Age.
But that’s a conversation for another day. Instead, I just move things around and then do it again until Jimbob wanders over and pulls me in for a kiss.
“Looks real nice, Braxton,” he says.
I look it over, ideas spinning through my head. “I mean, it could be better. I think you could build some nice stands for this stuff.”
Jimbob glances over at the table and cocks his head. “Guess I could. What did you have in mind?”
Pride and nerves well up within me. No one’s asked me for my opinion on something before. Maybe he wouldn’t mind me suggesting a website and an online store.
“Well, like I said, some stands. Maybe ones for the table and some larger ones to go on either side. It would make everything more accessible. Give them a little more room to browse.”
Jimbob is nodding along with me, and so I add, “And this is just something silly, but you could totally sell treats for farm animals. I was just thinking about Abra-ham and how much he likes his snacks.”
Jimbob’s mouth falls open, and he nods. “That’s an amazing idea.”
He’s not just humoring me either. His grin is wide and goofy as he seems to think it over, the excitement shining in his beautiful eyes.
“Yeah?” I ask, my cheeks heating. “I mean, I don’t know…”
“No, it’s perfect. I’m gonna have to tell my mom and get her on that. People will go wild for that kind of stuff.”
I fiddle with the end of my shirt and peer up at him. He looks mighty proud. So I decide to take a chance.
“And I was thinking about…maybe a website for your farm and this kind of stuff…”
“Oh, yeah. That’s something new.”
“I could totally set that up too. It wouldn’t be an issue.”
“Yeah? I think we’d like that, Braxton. Maybe we could talk it over more later.”
My chest puffs out. “Yeah, we totally can.”
Jimbob cups my cheek and his thumb rubs against my bottom lip. “You’re real clever and I’m real glad you told me these ideas. You’re gonna make us popular.”
I’m pretty sure he already is, but I don’t say that. I just lean up and press a quick kiss to his cheek. I should be more worried that we’re out in public and that I’m doing all this PDA, but I don’t fucking care anymore.
Jimbob doesn’t seem to mind it and no one else around seems to be bothered by two men holding hands and kissing. So, for the time being, I’m just gonna let it go.
I’m gonna pretend that everyone is supportive and no one gives a shit about the two of us.
“You got a real serious look about you,” Jimbob says.
“Yeah, just thinking about things.”
“Wanna share with me?”
“Maybe later,” I say and then grin at him.
He blinks at me and then his chin dips. “You look real nice when you smile like that.”
I make a mental note to do it more. I know that I tend to scowl, but if Jimbob likes it, then I’ll do it.