Page 77 of Sunshine For Sale
Not that Braxton is some kind of brat, but he’s very protective of his mother. He’s used to being the caretaker. But, like I’ve said a hundred times, I think this new guy is really good for his mother.
I forgot his name already, but yeah, think he’s good.
I’m feeling the good vibes.
“Alright, come on. No more pacing,” I say and grab Braxton gently, leading him to the couch.
He comes reluctantly, and I place my arm around him, feeling the nerves move through him and into me.
Damn, his anxiety is palpable.
“It’s gonna be bad. I don’t wanna do this. I don’t fucking want to.”
“Ah, no. Come on, Braxton. Let’s give this a shot, and if he’s awful, we never have to do it again.”
“I promise.”
Suddenly, the front door opens and he immediately jumps up to greet the two of them, his eyes directed squarely on the new guy.
His stance is a little aggressive, and I move to his side, placing my arm around his waist and pulling him into me. “Hi, guys. Glad you’re here.” I smile widely and hold out my hand. “I’m Jimbob. Nice to meet you.”
The boyfriend takes it, shaking it firmly. It’s a sure handshake, confident. And he oozes confidence, but not in a bad way. He just seems to know what he wants, and it seems he wants Braxton’s mom. “It’s nice to meet you, Jimbob. I’mRichard.” Then he looks at Braxton, and I hold my breath in anticipation.
“Braxton, it’s great to finally meet you, officially. Thank you for agreeing to dinner tonight.”
I notice Braxton’s mom seems to be holding her breath too, her eyes full of worry and excitement as she watches both of them face off. Braxton studies Richard, watching him so close it makes me a tad bit nervous.
“Thank you for coming,” he mutters, and I let out a quick, relieved breath. But as soon as I do, I realize it was too soon because Braxton opens his mouth and blurts, “But why did you want to?”
“W-what?” Richard asks.
“Braxton—” his mom starts, but Braxton keeps his chin up and his shoulder back, not backing down.
“I want to know why you wanted to meet me. Why you’re here when you’ve had my mother at your place? When you’ve been with her for weeks?”
The man shifts from one foot to the other, looking awfully nervous, and I can’t blame him. But I think Braxton needs this answer. He needs to know. No false politeness. Nothing fake. If they’re going to move forward, this needs to be talked about.
Sarah looks slightly petrified, but Richard only smiles, keeping his shoulders straight and looking Braxton right in the eyes. “I wanted to have this dinner because I’m crazy about your mother. She’s an incredible woman, and you mean a lot to her, which means you already mean a lot to me.”
Braxton’s mom is beaming as she takes her boyfriend’s hand in hers, clearly loving that answer. “I’m crazy about him too,” she says, smiling at her son. “And you’re such an important part of my life, Braxton. I love you so much. I know I don’t say it enough or when it’s warranted, but I do. And I’d really like you two to get to know each other.”
“This is real?” Braxton asks, his eyes darting from his mother to Richard.
They both nod their heads, but it’s her boyfriend who speaks up, “Very real. I know this seems like a whirlwind and a little nuts, but god, she’s it for me. I’m hoping she’ll agree to move in with me soon. I have a big house in the city that needs some warmth and your mother definitely makes everything brighter.”
I stand there, just listening, but can’t help myself when I say, “Aw, that’s sweet.”
Because it is. I feel the same way about Braxton. Despite his dark clothes and grumpy demeanor, he brightens my life. He makes everything so much better.
Braxton isn’t convinced though and still looks suspicious. “Move? You’re moving out, Mom?”
Sarah’s eyes widen, like maybe she didn’t plan on discussing that tonight, but I watch her squeeze her boyfriend’s hand. “Oh, Braxton, I want to say yes, but I don’t want you to feel like I’m abandoning you.”
“You’re moving,” he says quietly, and I so badly want to hold him. To tell him that he won’t be alone. That I’ll always be here, and the fact that they are basically asking for his blessing means that they aren’t going anywhere either.
They both care about what he wants.