Page 82 of Sunshine For Sale
“Maybe,” Ryan says with a laugh and then sets his feet on the ground and moves to Braxton, pressing a kiss to his head and then nuzzling against him. “Hi, brosif-in-law.”
“Get off me, Royan,” Braxton grumps, and Ryan rolls his eyes.
“You know that’s not my name.”
“It should be.”
Ryan frowns and then bites down on his arm before walking away, back to Beck, who is grinning at him like a loon. Apparently Beck doesn’t seem to mind the chaotic energy that is my stepbrother.
“He’s never gonna stop being weird, huh?” Braxton says as he adjusts the stands I made for the table. This was Braxton’s idea, and I made them come to life. And now our table looks great, and I can see that others are following suit. Seems we are trendsetters.
“Nope. Gotta embrace it.”
He grins at me and then leans over and presses a kiss to my lips.
Damn, it never gets old.
“Love you,” I say, and Braxton blushes.
“Love you too,” he whispers just as he helps someone else with an order, and damn, I couldn’t be happier. Braxton has been living with me for several months now, and it’s gone smooth as banana pie. We’ve had a few tiffs, but nothing that couldn’t be resolved within hours.
And I can tell that he’s happy too. When he’s not busy with his booming website business, he’s helping me on the farm. He finally quit working at the feed store, and my mom misses him terribly. She never did get him to drink those sugary drinks she loves to make. But he does put creamer in his coffee now, so progress.
Baby steps really.
Braxton is finally seeing the good in life. It probably helps that his mom and Richard are still going strong, and she seems really happy. He has a stable place to live and doesn’t have to worry about moving again. And for the first time in his life, he can live for himself.
And he has me to look out for him.
And love him.
My little dark cloud of grumpiness is starting to let the sun break through, and I can’t wait to see the man he becomes.