Page 1 of Ian
Chapter One
Eden Fairchild turned to her friend and colleague, sitting in the passenger seat. “How did you manage to talk me into this?”
“I heard from Monica that she had a great time. She said there were plenty of cowboys,” Cammie Hart replied with a mischievous smile.
“Cowboys? I have no interest in cowboys. Give me a man in a nice suit any day.”
“Not me. I prefer a man in tight jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat. And if he’s on horseback, even better.”
“Well, that’s because you’re from Wyoming.”
“True, but have you ever really looked at one?”
“No, and I don’t see the need to. They’re just not my type.”
“You’re missing out. They work harder than any other man in any profession. From sunrise to sunset and beyond, they never stop. And when they wear chaps... oh my.” Cammie grinned.
“To each their own. So why did you book us at a dude ranch? What is wrong with you?”
“It’s not a dude ranch. It’s a guest ranch.”
“What’s the difference?”
“At a dude ranch, you work with the cowboys. At a guest ranch, it’s optional. You can go on cattle drives, hayrides, cookouts, and camping trips.”
“Great,” Eden muttered sarcastically. “Where do we sleep?”
Cammie laughed. “There’s a main lodge, but I booked cabins for us to stay in. Two separate ones so we have our privacy.”
“Why would we need privacy? Planning on bringing a cowboy back to your cabin?” Eden teased with a smirk.
“Can’t. It’s a shame. The brochures explicitly state that there is to be no socializing between guests and staff.”
“Well, at least I don’t have to worry about that.”
“You’ve always loved horseback riding.”
“It’s one of my favorite activities.”
“They also offer trail rides. It seems like something you’d enjoy.”
“I’ll think about it.” Eden shook her head. “I don’t understand why you booked us for an entire month. One week would have been more than enough.”
“Because you asked for a leave of absence to consider accepting the partnership.”
“Yes, but we could have stayed here for a week or two and then gone somewhere else.”
“If you’re just going to complain the whole time, you might as well stay in your cabin.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea.”
“Eden! What am I going to do with you? All you want to do is work. You need to relax and have some fun during this leave of absence.”
Eden let out a sigh. “I know. But work has been so hectic lately. I love my job, but some days I feel like I’m being run ragged.”
“And that’s exactly why we’re here for a month. Just sit back and enjoy it. At least try to have some fun.”
“Okay, I’ll do my best. It sounds like a good time, and I love riding, so I’ll check out the available activities.”