Page 11 of Ian
“A few haven’t shown, but we have ten minutes yet.”
Ian nodded then mentally groaned when he saw the brunette staring at him. Shit. She needed to get it through her head that he wasn’t interested.
As he turned away from her, he saw a few more people entering the barn, and Eden Fairchild was among them. He looked at her feet and smirked when he saw cowboy boots. At least she did what she said and bought a pair. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail. She was talking with another woman as they made their way to the group.
“Good morning, everyone. I’m Ian Brennan. Chip and I will be taking you to the camping site. It’s a little over an hour to get there, and it will be cooler there at night since we’ll be close to the mountains. There are tents and blankets in your bedroll. If you have any questions, ask away. If you decide you want to come back early, that willnot be happening. If you have any doubts about going, now is the time to make your decision. No one will bring you back, and you will not be allowed to return on your own. Unless you get sick, you will stay on the trip. This is an overnight camping trip. We’ll camp tonight and return tomorrow.”
“Are there bears up there?” a guest asked him.
“Yes, ma’am, but they won’t bother us. Along with me and Chip, three other men will be with us. We all have weapons, so if there are any problems with animals, we’ll deal with it. Any questions?” When no one said anything, Ian nodded. “Okay, pick your horse, and mount up, then someone will adjust the stirrups for you.”
He watched them get their horses and mount up. Most of them had no problem, but he watched to make sure. He sighed and slightly shook his head when the brunette smiled at him as she stood beside the horse she’d picked.
“Do you need help?” he asked.
“Please. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it, but it’s only my second time on a horse.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Bonnie.”
“I’ll try to remember.” Ian helped her into the saddle and adjusted the stirrups.
After finishing with her, he helped some other guests, then noticed that no one was helping Eden Fairchild. Shit. With a heavy sigh, he made his way toward her.
“Ms. Fairchild, I’m glad to see you have the right footwear,” he said as he adjusted the stirrups for her.
“Please, call me Eden, Mr. Brennan.”
“Yes, ma’am, and you can call me Ian.” He stared up at her. “How did you know my name yesterday?”
“Your name?”
“Yes. When you told Devin that I wouldn’t let you ride, you said my name, and I hadn’t introduced myself yet.”
“Oh, Josie told us the day we checked in. My friend, Cammie, asked about—”
“Who you were. That’s all.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Does that horse belong to you?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“He’s gorgeous. What’s his name?”
“Silver Breeze but I call him Breeze.”
“Beautiful animal.”
“Thank you.” He walked away from her and mounted his horse. “If everyone is ready, we’ll head out.”
Ian rode at the back of the line keeping an eye on everyone. It looked like everything was going smoothly as they arrived at the site. When Chip held his hand up, everyone stopped, and Ian watched him turn in the saddle to address the guests.
“We’re here. There are posts to tie the horses to under those trees,” Chip said as he pointed to a group of trees. Once you remove the saddles, you can erect your tent wherever you’d like, as long as they’re close to the firepit. Trust me, you’ll get chilly at night.”