Page 13 of Ian
His tent was across the pit from hers. Not that she thought he’d be a bother, she just wanted toknow where he was. He was a little too flirty. It wasn’t anything he said, it was in the way he looked at her. Men constantly came on to her, and she knew when they were interested, but she wasn’t here to find a man.
She hadn’t dated anyone for almost a year. She wanted to get married, and she needed to do something soon or she never would. Not that she had anyone in mind. She was just set on getting married. She didn’t even care if she was in love at first. She was sure whoever she married; they’d fall in love eventually. She wanted someone in the same profession, and they could work their way up the corporate ladder together.
Cammie argued with her all the time about not marrying for love. She thought it was ridiculous that Eden wanted to get married just for marriage’s sake.
As she struggled with the tent, she glanced around to see others having trouble too, but she was going to do her damnedest to put this thing together. She saw Ian helping the brunette. The same one who can’t seem to leave him alone. Did she not read the brochure about no fraternizing?
“Some women will go after anything with a penis.”
“I’m sorry?”
Eden jerked and looked to see a woman staring at her and laughed.
“Talking to myself.”
The woman laughed. “I do that way too much. I’m Stella.”
“Eden.” The women shook hands.
“Are you here alone, Eden?”
“No. I’m here with a friend, but she didn’tcome on this camping trip. You?”
“I’m here with my husband.” She glanced around. “He’s over there helping that woman with her tent. Mr. Help Everyone, is his name.”
Eden chuckled. “Well, it’s nice that he does. I could probably use him in a few minutes. This tent is kicking my ass.”
“Let’s see if we can get this together,” Stella said as she picked up a pole and the two got busy and the tent was up in no time.
“Thank you, Stella.”
“You’re very welcome. I need to unroll our sleeping bags, so I’m sure I’ll see you later.”
“I’m sure.” Eden watched her crawl into her tent then she did the same to unroll the sleeping bag, then she crawled back out into the sunshine.
She smiled as she glanced around, but the smile died when she saw Ian still talking with the brunette. Shaking her head, she knew it was none of her business, but if there was no socializing, why was he around her all the time? It didn’t matter. If he wanted to screw the brunette, it was none of her concern.
She strolled to the log beside the pit, sat, and tilted her face up to the sun. The warm rays felt wonderful on her skin.
“Are you all set up?”
Eden opened her eyes to see Ian standing in front of her. His damn crotch was eye-level, and she had trouble keeping her eyes off it. Especially since he wore chaps. She could definitely see why Cammie loved them. She slowly raised her eyes to his.
“Yes. It took two of us, but we did it.”
“Good. We’ll have lunch in a while.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I’m starving and it wasn’t that long ago since breakfast.”
He sat on the log next to her and she did everything she could not to inhale his aftershave. He smelled so good.
“It’s the fresh air. Chip will make some burgers and hot dogs then everyone can just relax.”
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Meaning working here?”