Page 28 of Ian
Cammie burst out laughing. “You are so full of it. You are interested in him whether you admit it or not.”
“I’m not—”
“Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Cammie leaned close. “I bet that man could set your pants on fire.”
Eden sputtered out a laugh. “My God! You are so bad.”
A while later, they made their way to the buffet, filled their plates, and headed back to the table. Eden waved at Willa when she saw her.
“Hi, are you two having fun?” Willa asked them when she reached them.
“We are. I hate the thought of leaving,” Eden said.
Willa laughed. “Yeah, I went through that. I’m so glad I came back. You two enjoy yourselves tonight. Get out there and dance. Oh, you can ask any of the men to dance, but they’re not allowed to ask you. They can refuse too, but don’t take it personally.”
“I love to dance.” Eden grinned.
“There will be plenty of chances for that and there are a lot of ranch hands who would love to get you on the dance floor. A lot of line dances too. The band is great. If you think you can keep up, ask Devin to dance. Enjoy.” Willa waved then walked off.
“Oh, I might have to ask Devin to dance. That sounded like a challenge.” Eden grinned.
“I might ask that hot cowboy over there,” Cammie said as she stared at a man leaningagainst the wall.
“Which one?”
“He has a white hat on, blue T-shirt, and blond hair.”
“Oh, I see him. Go for it. He keeps looking at you.”
“I know.” Cammie looked at him and smiled then laughed when he grinned and touched the brim of his hat.
“God, I love when they do that. Manners for sure.”
“Most cowboys have wonderful manners. Yep. I’m going to ask him to dance.”
After they finished eating, Eden watched the band set up, and when they played, she was in awe of how good they sounded.
When they playedSave a Horse, Ride a Cowboy, a song by Big and Rich, Eden and Cammie got in a line dance. They were laughing and having a blast when Eden looked toward the door to see Ian leaning against the doorjamb of the barn with his arms folded across his broad chest, with his eyes on her.
“I see he made it,” Cammie said, sounding out of breath.
Cammie shook her head and laughed. “You are fooling no one.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Eden snapped, but laughed when Cammie did.
They returned to their seats after the song, but Eden refused to look at Ian. She couldn’t. God! How could she want him? He was not her type at all. What was it about him?
The band played a slow song, and Cammie gotto her feet.
“Wish me luck. Here I come, cowboy.”
Eden shook her head and laughed. “No fraternizing, remember?”
“I forget what that word means.” Cammie walked toward the cowboy.
Eden watched as he straightened up when he saw Cammie heading toward him. She sighed when he touched the brim of his hat again, grinned, took Cammie’s hand, and led her to the dance floor.