Page 3 of Ian
Josie couldn’t contain her laughter. “Yes, he’s single. That’s Ian Brennan, the ranch manager.”
Cammie’s eyes lit up. “Does he participate in any of the activities here?”
“Cammie, stop it,” Eden scolded.
“What? I’m just trying to have some fun on this vacation. And besides, I can still flirt, right Josie?” Cammie teased.
“Yes, ma’am,” Josie replied with a smile.
Eden shook her head in disbelief. “You’re impossible.”
As Josie handed them their cabin keys, she explained that they could choose between two identical cabins with one bedroom each. She also gave them brochures listing all the available activities and how to sign up for them. Josie reminded them that they were not obligated to participate in anything and could cook their own meals or eat at the lodge, including breakfast,lunch, and dinner buffets.
“That sounds amazing,” Eden replied with a smile. “Let’s go, I could use a nice hot bath—.”
As she was about to finish her sentence, Ian Brennan appeared behind the counter. Eden couldn’t help but notice his striking features; dark chocolate hair, piercing teal eyes, and a strong jaw adorned with stubble. She also couldn’t ignore the gray strands in his sideburns or how his t-shirt hugged his muscular chest and arms. She felt an undeniable attraction toward him.
Cammie’s voice snapped her back to reality.
“What were you saying?”
Eden stumbled over her words in a daze. “Oh, just something about relaxing for the rest of the day.” She thanked Josie and practically sprinted out the door before she did something impulsive like climbing Ian Brennan like a tree. Once safely in the car, she cranked up the air conditioning to cool down her flushed face.
She couldn’t believe she was attracted to a cowboy. Her usual type was men in suits and expensive shoes, not dusty boots. She scolded herself for even considering it; she knew she would probably never see him again.
The passenger door opened, startling her, and she saw Cammie getting into the SUV. They sat there in silence until Cammie turned to face her.
“What happened back there? You took off like a bat out of hell.”
Eden tried to play it cool. “I’m just tired and looking forward to relaxing.”
Cammie raised an eyebrow at her response.
“Uh-huh. It had nothing to do with that hotcowboy, did it?”
“Pfft. Why would he even bother with me?”
“Because you were practically speechless when he looked at you. He is one fine-looking man. It’s a shame he can’t socialize. I would go after him in a heartbeat. Did you see his eyes? They’re stunning.”
“Well, maybe once the vacation is over, you can... you know, get to know him better,” suggested Eden, laughing.
“What a brilliant idea,” Cammie replied with a laugh.
Eden shook her head, knowing Cammie was just teasing, but she couldn’t deny that Ian Brennan was incredibly attractive.
The following day, Ian observed the barn’s entrance and clenched his jaw to prevent it from falling open when he saw the woman who had registered yesterday. Her platinum blonde hair and dark green eyes, resembling the color of moss, were quite attractive. A pert nose sat above her lush lips that he longed to nibble on. She stood at around five feet seven inches tall. His gaze traveled down her figure, noting the tight T-shirt hugging her chest, slim hips, and jeans that appeared to be painted on, and finally reaching her feet, where he noticed she was wearing…sneakers?No way. Shaking his head, he walked over to her and the other woman she was talking to.
“Ma’am, I hope you’re not planning on goingon the trail ride,” he said once he reached them.
“Of course, I am.”
“Where are your boots?”
“I forgot to pack them. I’m sure these will do just fine—”
“No, ma’am, they will not suffice. Without proper footwear, you cannot go on the ride.”