Page 44 of Ian
“What are you doing?”
“Getting a flashlight so I can find your damn clothes,” he snarled.
“Well, I didn’t ask you to throw them all over the place,” she snapped.
He turned around and walked back to her.
“You said I knew this would happen, which I didn’t. I’m not that type of man, but I also didn’t hear you say no,” he said quietly.
Eden hissed in a breath. “So, it’s my fault?”
“You know what? I think it is. If youhadsaid no, we wouldn’t have had sex.” He shrugged.
“Oh, my God! Save me from a man’s way of thinking. Give me my clothes and take me back to the Bur Oak.”
He walked around the truck with his flashlight then came to the truck and threw her clothes into the bed.
“Get dressed so I can take you back.” He got into the cab and slammed the door.
Eden dressed as quickly as she could but had to keep wiping the tears away. Why did they do this? Did they enjoy torturing each other? They knew they couldn’t be together, but they wanted to be so badly.
“We can’t,” she whispered and hiccupped. Then she climbed over the tailgate, she’d be damned before she’d ask him to lower it, jumped down, and walked to the passenger side. She opened the door, climbed in, slammed the door, pulled her seatbelt on, and folded her arms across her chest.
He started the truck and drove her back to the Bur Oak with nothing said between them. He drove to her cabin and pulled to a stop in front of it. She opened the door and stepped out. He kept his eyes straight ahead.
She couldn’t say a word as tears rolled down her face. She closed the door, walked across the porch, and entered the cabin. She quietly shut the door, then walked to the sofa, sat, and sobbed.
Monday morning, Ian entered the barn to see guests listening to Chip explain about the trail ride they were taking. He folded his arms, and looked over the group, and tightened his lips when he saw Eden. He’d been hoping she wasn’t going on the ride, but there she was. Looking as beautiful as ever with her long hair in a ponytail and painted on jeans. Her T-shirt stretched tight across her breasts. Her perfect breasts. He groaned, turned, and mounted his horse.
Damn it. How was he supposed to see her and not want her? He hoped the next two weeks went fast, then she’d go back to where she belonged, because it wasn’t here.
As he watched everyone mounting their horse,he saw one of the ranch hands flirting with Eden. Nope. Not gonna happen. Ian nudged his horse and rode over to them.
“Is everything all right here?” he asked.
“Yes, sir. I was just adjusting the stirrups for Ms. Fairchild,” the man said.
“Is that a problem, Mr. Brennan?” Eden asked.
“No. Not a problem at all, Ms. Fairchild. Just get it done so we can go.” He turned the horse and rode back to where he’d been. “Idiot,” he muttered.
The riders got into line and followed Chip out the doors, while Ian stayed at the back. He noticed Eden was close to the front with her friend. That was fine. He didn’t need her anywhere near him.
“I’ve never been on a horse in my life,” a female voice said from beside him.
“Yes, ma’am. It can be a little intimidating.”
“I bet you’ve been riding all your life. The way you sit in the saddle. You’re so relaxed.”
“I was probably riding before I could walk.”
The woman laughed. “I believe it. I’m Cathy Mercer. My husband, Steve, is up ahead. He’s ridden before. I told him to go first so if I fall out of the saddle, he won’t see me and can’t make fun of me.” She grinned.
Ian chuckled. “Would he do that?”
“In a damn heartbeat.” Cathy nudged her horse and fell into line.