Page 57 of Darling Nikki
I’m unable to change the channel, too wrapped up in seeing his face the first time in a week. He looks tired to me, though to the public he probably looks as healthy as ever. I can see some of the campaign staff dispersed in the crowd, but this venue is packed. I watch for more than an hour as he fields questions on every possible issue from environmental justice to his favorite sports team.
“Where is Mrs. Shelby tonight, Mr. Shelby? She’s been missed at several events lately.” I would tell the inquirer she’s minding business that doesn’t pay her, but I’m not the one running for office, and that’s a good thing.
Mathias smoothly deflects. “She’s been feeling under the weather these past few days. It’s not COVID related.” He adds the last part to reassure everyone. It wouldn’t do for one of the top advocates of vaccination to have his wife come out as sick. Not that he’d ever have to worry about me; I like living.
“Is it something that will resolve itself in, say, nine months?” The nosy heffa asks. Wow. How uncouth.
“We’ll see. It’s too early to tell. But I promise our constituents will be the first to know,” he says with smug assurance.
Hot rage boils inside me. In seconds I’m firing a text off to the one person I know who will tell him exactly what I said.
I don’t get a response for a long time.
Angel: I will let him know personally, querida.
Well, that ended rather anticlimactically. Taking the champagne I bought and the popcorn that’s somehow now my favorite snack, I watch TV until I fall asleep on Easy’s plush sofa like I have for the past week.
Three days later…
Heavy banging hasme jumping up like a chick startled out of its nest. I actually grab where my heart seems to be trying to lurch out of my chest. I take a few deep breaths, making my way over to the door.
When I step up to the peephole, I jump back.
“Little wife.” I can hear him outside the door.
I’m shaking my head to myself. How did he find me? Has he known all along? Angel.
“It took me a minute, because just like rabbits, there are just so many of y’all,” he says casually answering my silent question to myself. “Even went by Joi’s, thinking you’d run to your partner in crime, and that was interesting to say the least. She really doesn’t like me, and I can’t ever remember meeting her but that one time at the Shack.” He stops for a long moment. Then, in horror, I hear a key in the door before the knob begins to turn. Slowly, I start backing up.
He pushes the door open, and it catches on the chain lock. “You have three seconds to open this door, or I’m kicking it in.”
“No you won’t. Someone will call the police. Then it will be all over the news that I was hiding from you, and you’ll lose your campaign, which is the only thing you care about besides your precious Nat.” I spit the words out with so much venom, I surprise myself. There’s silence, then a hard boom as the door splinters. The chain is left dangling where it was ripped from the wall.
With wiped clean of all emotion, Mathias walks me down as I stumble back from him. Standing between a jut in the wall that separates Easy’s living room from the dining room, I hold my hands in front of me to ward him off.
His face gives nothing away. It’s chilling. Like he could crush me now and not lose a moment of rest over it. If I hadn’t seen his rage and knew despite what face he wears outwardly how he’s vibrating with wrath.
I’m corner. Trapped between him and the wall. Moving left or right will only push me farther into his arms, I don’t want that. I want nothing of him and more. At least that is what I tell myself as his big body shoved hard into my body, pressing me hard against the wall.
“Why the fuck did you leave me?” He pushes his face so close to mine, our lips almost touch. I would think he was hurt. I know better. For the short time we were together, he more than let me know he didn’t want me. He hated me in fact.
I rear away from him. “Why are you here? Go to your girlfriend.” I move to get away, but he grabs my arms. My heart is beating so hard, I can hear it pulsating in my eardrums.
“Let me go, motherfucker.” I’m not letting him manipulate or bully me into coming back to that nightmare.
“Answer me,” he demands, giving me a hard-as-fuck shake.
“You know why. You were kissing another woman!” I don’t even want to say her name. It’s better than giving her any energy on any level. He doesn’t deserve it either.
I wretch so hard, I almost dislocate my shoulder. Tears sting my eyes.
“You know good and fucking well I didn’t kiss her back.” He looks so offended.
“Oh-ho,” I say. “This is rich! You’re demanding I give you the benefit of the doubt.”
His hold lightens, allowing me to snatch my hand away.