Page 87 of Toxic
“Did you really, though? I heard you were hanging out in trees by the little bungalow.” Popping one hip out, I toss his keys on a console by the door, they clang loudly before settling somewhere in the center.
“Leave,” he snarls like he’s about to spring.
Maybe not the best idea but I continue until the smell of blood and a clearer view of my husband stops me cold.
He’s cut through the tattoo signifying me coming into his life and our marriage.
“Oh,” I bemoan the destruction of his beautiful body but manage a simple tsk. “Never thought of you as a quitter. You’ve shown so much dedication thus far.”
Shaking my head, I walk into the bathroom and get the medical kit. My heart feels caved in. A brief glance in the mirror has me clearing my expression because I look as devastated as I feel.
Ignoring the rivulets of blood running down his body I take the peroxide saturating the pristine white cloth. He has the nerve to rear back when I sit on his thigh.
“Sorry,” I say not sorry at all as I gently apply the disinfectant to his self-inflicted vivisection.
“So, you done with us then?” I push verbally while simultaneously cleaning his wounds with smooth precision.
“Maybe, I’m tired of being someone else’s burden. My parents, my brother— yours.”
“Did I ever you say you were a burden to me?” Looking up from one particularly deep laceration I meet the dark onyx of his gaze. “Love is never a burden. You aren’t a burden to me. You are a blessing.”
He looks away first. His jaw flexes, hardens. Head swinging back so fast he nearly jostles me off his lap. Strong hands stop me from tumbling. “How can you say such things?” Incredulity spikes every word.
“I don’t think either of us has much of a choice in the matter.” I shrug. “The God of the universe has spoken.”
He grips my shoulders giving me a rough shake. “Do you know what the fuck you are agreeing to? The life I live. The bad days…”
Shaking my head, I take his face in my hands. “The bad days were the ones when I didn’t have you. Didn’t know you were watching over me. Protecting me.”
Eyes searching mine he whispers, “I was a shadow, a shadow existing outside of the living. The only thing sustaining me were glimpses of you.”
My eyes fall to the streak of blood on his lips. Pulling his lower lip out I see where he’s sliced the inside of his mouth.
“There will be no more bleeding outside of a scene.” He looks absolutely mutinous for a moment at my admonishment then gives me a gruff, “Hai,” with a bow of his head.
“I can’t believe your guardian allowed you to do this.” Shaking my head I glance up from his handiwork to catch his flash of jealousy.
“Well, I threatened to silencehimpermanently,” he grumbles. “He’staken a particular interest in you. I think he’s in love with you.” He looks at me steadily. His gaze speaks volumes, but I don’t push. I know he wants to say more but distrust is hard to unlearn. Just as trust is hard to gain. Patience, I remind myself, he’s just been dealt a severe blow in that regard.
His head dips touching mine forehead to forehead. “I don’t want to share you, Tay-chan. Not with my guardian, not with any potential kids, not with anyone. You are mine and mine alone.” I can’t help but smile at his possessive words.
“I am yours alone. Your guardian only emerges to protect you. Now,heknows I won’t ever purposefully hurt you. You have not relinquished control —not once since that night, even when you wanted to. I saw you fight for control and win that night in the garden. I trust you, Hisashi.”
He pushes back. “You shouldn’t. You can’t just let your guard down like that. Not just withhim. With me. I’m dangerous.”
“So is your brother, so are some of my cousins. I’m not a stranger to dangerous men. Stop trying to push me away. Unless you realized during our time together you don’t want a forever type of thing with me.” I shrug with fake nonchalance, rolling my eyes for good measure.
“If anything, I realized that I couldn’t live without you. I won’t live without you.” His dead ass seriousness gives me pause.
“Is that what this was?” I wave at his neatly bandaged torso. He looks at me stonily.
“Hisashi.” I swat his chest hard the same time I yell his name. He grips my wrist as I am shaking my head tears welling in my eyes. “How fucking dare you?”
“You left,” he grits out. “I didn’t know if you’d ever come back.” He tosses my wrist away like it’s nothing.
“I will always come back to you.” Taking his hand I put it over my heart.
“Because you love me,” he says but it comes out like a question.