Page 16 of Worship Me
Maybe some calls shouldn’t be answered.
“We don’t have time for this.”
With that, he bent and grabbed me around the waist, throwing me over his shoulder. My head whipped back before banging into his lower spine. I smacked him with everything I had. It was like hitting stone.
Sexy, warm, fuckable stone—but stone, nonetheless.
One of his arms wrapped around my knees, the other smacked my ass. I got the distinct impression it was not meant to be playful and instead demeaning.
My mouth dropped open in indignation.
All my attempts to knee him or kick were thwarted by his arm keeping me firmly in place while he hauled ass. The raccoon shifters were getting smaller as his speed quickly surpassed theirs. I had to do something.
My side cramped as I twisted, reaching under his arm for my boot. It was easier said than done when my body was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane while he ran, my hips bouncing off his shoulder. It took a few tries, but I managed to catch my boot around the edge. I maneuvered my fingers, straining them to the point of pain as I dug them into the side, grasping for the handle of my blade.
My fingers found purchase right as Pan gritted, “What are you doing?”
I yanked the blade free and stabbed him through the back without a second thought, aiming for his kidney.
Gold blood erupted. Pan dropped like a man kicked in the balls.
My peacock preened.
Served the lying asshole right.
We didn’t get long to savor our victory considering he ate a face full of dirt and sent me sprawling. I rolled along the rough forest floor, coming to a stop right as my head smacked into the base of a tree.
Spots of black danced behind my eyes. I groaned.
Shit. Shit. Double shit.
I put a hand to my temple and the other to the ground, trying to will myself to heal faster than a god. Fat chance.
“What is wrong with you?” Pan groaned. His voice sounded close. A little too close. A muffled thump told me he’d just removed my dagger and tossed it out of my reach.
Smart god. Apparently, he did learn.
“You’re the one kidnapping me,” I snapped.
“You agreed to come through the portal,” he thundered. “That’s not kidnapping.”
“You lied!” I shouted back. Gods, why were we shouting? It was giving me a migraine. Or was that a concussion? Either way, I needed to find out what was actually going on.
“No, I didn’t,” he scoffed. “Which you’d know if you understood.”
“I’d understand if you’d explain,” I replied in an aggravated tone.
“You’ll understand when we get there and you’re reunited with your family.”
“Why are you so gods-damned difficult—”
I was cut off by the sound of the raccoon shifters. Their steps slowed as they approached. The black spots faded from my vision, leaving me feeling woozy but cognizant.
“Kali ... Kaaaali.” That name was a cry, a plea, a prayer.
They came toward me, and Pan stepped between us.
I slapped his ankle, trying to sit up.