Page 379 of Fated to be Enemies
“We have a mutual friend who introduced us at his club, Paramour.”
I forced my eyes on my paper, refusing to show the jolt of shock that rocketed down my spine with this new discovery. Paramour just happened to be owned and managed by Mikal Lennox, my brother’s best friend. And my ex-boyfriend of three years. I frowned and scrawled a note, feeling an acute headache coming on.
“Was the owner, Mikal Lennox, out with you on the night Maxine disappeared?”
“No. He doesn’t like the Vaengar Games.” A wave of relief washed over me. Though I’d hardly believe Mikal capable of any involvement in such a crime, it was nice to eliminate him right off the bat. “We actually started out at his club that night, but Maxine wanted to be adventurous. Said she wanted to check out the Morgons’ idea of fun. Like a lot of girls these days.”
He swallowed hard. I did, too. Poor Maxine never bargained for the adventure she would get that night. Nor did she deserve it. I reached across the desk and squeezed his hand. His weary expression softened at my touch.
“I know this is difficult. Just a few more questions, if that’s okay with you.”
“I already talked to the police about all this.” He pulled away, combing his hands through his hair, his brow scrunching into a deep frown. “How did you know I was Maxine’s friend anyway?”
He would have to make that astute realization now. I hated lying, but I couldn’t tell him I had one of my best friends snooping around at the precinct for me.
“I have a few close friends in Nightwing Security.” Actually, I was related by marriage to the owners, but general knowledge was better at the moment. “They were there that night. They found out your name.”
He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing, his hands clenched together on top of the desk. “It was Morgons that did that to her,” he whispered, voice laced with hatred.
“I know, Bennett, but I can guarantee you it wasn’t the likes of my friends. The Nightwing clan wants justice for Maxine and the other girls, just as I do.”
He must’ve seen the sincerity in my eyes. I hated to push people when they were stifled by grief, but time was of the essence. These killers wouldn’t wait for us to mourn one girl before taking another. And I feared the repercussions of not capturing them soon. Gladium had become a haven for both races in recent years, a place where fear and ignorance had slowly faded into the background. And now, the Devlin Butchers were bringing all the prejudice and fear back to the forefront, rebuilding a wall we’d successfully torn down, brick by slow brick.
I implored Bennett with an expression I hoped conveyed both sympathy and earnestness. “Please.”
He cleared his throat and gave me a short nod. “What else do you want to know?”
A swell of triumphant air filled my chest as I sped through the rest of my interview. I’d have good ammunition to get the favor I needed from my sister at dinner tonight.
Chapter Two
Jessen swung the door wide and wrapped me in a bear hug. “Muffin!”
“Are you ever going to come up with another nickname for me? I feel like I’ve grown out of Muffin.”
She ushered me through the foyer and into a split-level living room on the top floor of Nightwing Tower One. The top floor served as the residence, the second and third served as the guest suite and servant quarters. The remainder was used for whatever business and commerce the clan happened to own. Morgons counted from top to bottom as opposed to bottom up, so I currently stood on the first rather than the 103rd floor. The Nightwings owned several such skyscrapers in Gladium.
The warmth of my sister’s home always welcomed me. Dark hardwood floors, a soft area rug woven in gold, red, and brown. A crimson velvet chaise and matching sofa, both scattered with plush cream and gold pillows. Flickering light from the six-by-ten foot fireplace and scattered candlesticks gilded the room in a warm glow.
Jessen took my coat and scarf as she closed the door, scanning my attire with a critical eye. Though several years older and a few inches shorter, she was my mirror-image in complexion—moon-pale skin and long, black hair. The one striking difference was my eyes—hazel-gold rather than deep brown. Still, we couldn’t stand in a room together without everyone knowing we were sisters.
Those brown eyes were currently giving me the maternal once-over.
“What? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“Nothing. You look great, but…”
“Why don’t you ever wear a dress or something? Aren’t those faded jeans like a hundred years old?”
“These are my favorite jeans. Besides, you said this was a small get-together. Family and friends.”
If she was up to her matchmaking schemes again, I was going to kill her. In a silver chiffon dress, black heels, and sparkling stud earrings, she looked a tad overdressed for a family dinner. However, she also appeared to be the elegant hostess and lovely wife of Lucius Nightwing. Just as stilettos and diamonds suited her, denim and boots suited me.
I narrowed my eyes as we moved farther into the room. “Is there someone specific I should be dressed up for?”