Page 16 of Head Over Wheels
“Just ten more reps and then we’re done. I’m with you with every move. Let’s go!”
Alex is leading this strength class, and I’m wondering if he’s trying to kill us all. Or make us so tired that we can’t do any more classes today. I am definitely not getting a PR in this class. Lisa is standing beside me, and the sweat dripping down her face surely echoes my own glazed look right now.
I do my last overhead press and place the weights a little less gently on the workout mat than I planned. Good thing it didn’t make any noise due to the cushioning. Grabbing the towel they gave out at the beginning of class, I wipe my forehead. All I want is to get to my room, take a shower, and get into some clean clothes. This afternoon’s classes should be a little lighter.
Gathering my things, I head to the doorway. I stop short when I see Jace there. He waves hello, and I look behind me to see who he’s here to see. When he keeps looking at me, I realize it’s me. I’m the one he came for. My stomach flips, and I try to act normal. As I get closer, I realize that I am a walking puddle of sweat, so that’s great. Ah well, he’s in the fitness industry, so he must be used to it.
“Good class?” he asks as I reach him.
“For sure. Alex worked us hard.” I follow him as he walks out of the room and down the hall. He stops in an alcove which gives us some privacy.
He stares at me intensely with his icy blue eyes. Wow, how does anyone get anything done with this guy around? I can’t even look away. I push a stray tendril off my forehead and hope that the rest of my hair is behaving itself in its bun.
“Come have lunch with me.” He grabs on to my hand and squeezes it gently, but I’m still trapped in his gaze.
“Now?” My eyebrows shoot up.
He snickers. “Well, it is noon. People have been known to lunch at noon.”
My hand flies back up to my sweaty hair. “I literally cannot go anywhere until I wash off these last two classes.”
“But after that you’ll meet me?” He leans in a little closer.
I step back in response, hoping like heck he can’t smell me. I can smell me, and it’s not good. “Sure, but please let me go shower first.”
“Deal. Can you come to my room? Only so we can have some privacy. Otherwise, I’ll spend the whole time speaking to other members. I can get room service sent up, would that be okay?” He’s still holding on to my hand, and my fingers are getting pretty comfortable there.
“Yes, that’s cool. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
Jace nods. “I’ll text you the room number.”
I slide out of the alcove and walk as quickly as I can. Why did I say I’d be there in twenty? I need at least double that if I’m going to be even half cute enough to lunch with Jace.
With my lip pulled between my teeth, I take another quick look at my phone. Before I knock on the door, it’s probably a good idea to make sure it’s the right room. I’m still damp from my shower, but thankfully I’m smelling much fresher. I try to relax and take a page out of Jace’s full body stretches. I inhale deeply and then do a slow exhale. Okay, that feels slightly better. When I lift my hand to knock, the door opens before I can make contact.
“Hi! Am I interrupting?” He winks at me.
It’s like I can’t have a normal interaction with this guy. I’m always doing something totally embarrassing. Plastering a smile on my face, I pretend everything is normal.
“No, all good here.”
He ushers me in. I check him out as I walk past. He has on black athletic pants and a black Elevate T-shirt, and it just serves to highlight his golden tan. It must be fake at this time of year, but it totally suits him. His clear blue eyes meet mine, and I know he just caught me looking again. Silently, I thank him for not calling me out.
“I had lunch ordered up for us, and it arrived right before you got here.” He sweeps his arm towards the small table set for two by the window.
There are two silver domes on the table, and I’m totally curious about what he got us to eat. I’m obviously starving after all this morning’s exercise. My stomach growls loudly, announcing my thoughts.
Jace laughs. “Let’s just dive in. I’m starving too.”
He ushers me to the table, and once I’m seated, he sits across from me. His room is a bit bigger than mine and has a little alcove which is where we’re sitting.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d want so I got two options. This one is a chicken quinoa bowl with roasted vegetables, and the other one is a salade niçoise with tuna.”
“Oh, those both sound amazing. I’m happy with either, you take whichever one you prefer.” Please don’t take the tuna, please don’t take the tuna.
“What kind of gentleman would that make me? Choose your favourite, and I’ll have whatever’s left.” He raises an eyebrow and waits for me to make my selection.
That niçoise salad doesn’t stand a chance! I reach out and grab it.