Page 2 of Head Over Wheels
“Okay, I’m gonna run and figure out what I need to do to accept the invitation and book a hotel—I wish you could come with me. At least it’s only two hours away.” Jess isn’t an Elevate member but loves me enough to cheer me on when I tell her all about it.
“I absolutely would if I could. But you’ll be just fine without me. And I’m never more than a text away.”
“True, and I love knowing that. You’re the best.”
“Go accept the invite before you lose your spot! Talk later.”
I laugh at her as she shoos me off the call. “I’m going! Bye.”
It’s one week until my big Elevate adventure, and I’ve already figured out which work-out outfits I’m bringing with me. There are several since I’ll be doing a few classes each day because I need to take advantage of working out with the instructors in person. I’ll likely need to change at least once in between the morning and afternoon. My hotel is booked, and it’s across the street from the studio—making it easy to go relax and freshen up between classes.
Some members started a Facebook group for us attendees, and the chatter has been constant. There are a few people I know from online already, and I’m looking forward to meeting them in person. Some people are sharing rooms, but I’m lucky I can afford to get my own space and don’t have to stress about meeting someone for the first time and rooming together for the weekend. I log in to the chat to see if anything new has been announced, and I’m shocked by the number of notifications waiting for me.
Did you hear about Deb and Jace?
OMG I can’t believe Jace and Deb are over.
Do you think it’s really over for Deb and Jace?
What? I can’t believe my eyes. I quickly click on the newest post and read all the news. Apparently Jace and Deb made a joint social media statement this morning announcing their split.
We know that there have been some rumours and confusion lately about the status of our relationship and we wanted to set the record straight. In October, we decided to part ways. The decision was mutual and incredibly difficult, but we still love each other and will remain friends and colleagues. Please respect our privacy at this time.
I’m shook. This is wild news. They’ve always seemed so happy. My eyes well with tears, and I reach up to dash one away. Taking a closer look at the comments, I’m reading lots of speculation. People are commenting that they haven’t posted any pictures together for a while, so it’s clearly been over for months. When I think about it, they’re right. I can’t remember the last time either of them did a post with the other.
A few people have also said they hope that this doesn’t affect their attendance next week. Yeah, I would of course understand if they pulled out, but that would really suck. I can’t believe I have the opportunity to attend a live Jace class, and I will be so disappointed if it gets bumped. After reading some more, I don’t see anything about either of them dropping out of the in-person sessions, so I breathe a sigh of relief. It may not be as light and happy in their classes as I was hoping for, but I’m still looking forward to it.
Of course, the first thing I do is shoot a text off to Jess to tell her the news.
Jace and Deb just announced their split.
Is it weird that I’m not a member of Elevate but totally know who you’re talking about?
Nah, just means you’re a great friend.
This is pretty good news. Maybe he’ll take one look at you and fall madly in love.
LOL yeah right. I feel bad for them, hope they aren’t too sad.
Sad shmad. This is your big shot. You better be packing hot outfits.
Well I’m packing my favourite outfits. This trip totally isn’t about that.
I know, I know. It’s about connecting with your fellow members blah blah blah. But if Jace happens to see you in that hot pink tank and falls in love…
I snicker at Jess’ texts. She’s incorrigible. I scan the outfits I’ve already set out. Maybe one more shopping trip is in order just to make sure I have everything I need.
Do you want to hit Lulu with me tonight?
That’s my girl! Yes, I’m free, let’s do it.
A few hours later, I’m on the street in front of Lululemon waiting for Jessica. She’s always late, no matter what, so I know I’ll be here for a few minutes. Looking through the store window, I see a few new items that weren’t here the last time I was in. I’m itching to get inside and try things on. Everything is super pricy, so I’m limited to one new outfit, but I’ll definitely try everything on. You know, for future research.
Something touches my arm and I startle. I turn and see that it’s Jess and feel my grin stretch across my face.
“You ready? Let’s find you a ‘fit that will make Jace notice you.” She smirks and leads the way into the store.