Page 21 of Head Over Wheels
“I definitely love spinning, because that’s what I started with. But yoga has become a close second for me. The challenge of moving my body in different ways while maintaining a Zen mood really motivates me.” There’s a flush to her cheeks now, and she looks like she could talk about this all night.
“It’s so nice to see you’re all still so passionate about what you’re doing.” Alicia jumps in and takes the words right out of my mouth. There are a lot of nods around the table. Our servers choose that moment to step in and clear the main course.
Once the plate is cleared, I push my chair back. Seems like a great time to use the ladies’ room. I make a beeline back to the door I came in and find my way to the restrooms. There are a couple stalls occupied, but it’s thankfully not too busy. Once I’m done, I take a moment in front of the mirror and reapply some lip gloss. I’m sticking it back into my clutch when Deb walks in. She’s heading right towards me, and her mouth is set in a thin line. Why do I get the feeling the other shoe is about to drop?
“Hi Ella, sorry to follow you.” She makes a show of checking the stalls, which are now empty. We’re the only two people in here.
“No problem, Deb. It’s all yours, I was just leaving.” I gesture to the door and shift to leave. All my instincts are telling me to get out of here as quickly as possible. Which is weird since she’s been nothing but nice to me, even lending me her clothing.
She links her arm through mine. “No, stay. Let’s chat. I’ve been wanting a moment alone with you.”
My heart skips a beat. “Oh, yeah? What’s up?”
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how close you and Jace have gotten. I see the way your eyes follow him when he’s in the room.”
My cheeks flush at her words. “Um, I guess.” I’m not really sure what she wants me to say. I hope I haven’t been that obvious. I eye the door, wondering if I can untangle our arms and flee.
“I wanted you to know that I’m still in love with him. And even though we’re sort of broken up, I fully plan on getting him back.” She looks up at me from under her lashes.
My whole stomach drops at her words. I’m nauseous and wonder if I’m going to throw up. “I would never get in between you two. That’s not something I’m interested in.”
She squeezes my arm tightly against her. “I figured that’s what you’d say. That’s why I wanted a moment alone with you to tell you that we’re still a thing.”
My eyes are getting hot. I hope I don’t cry. I’m feeling so embarrassed and naive right now. Seems like something I should have figured out on my own. “Nothing happened between Jace and me…I just want you to know that.”
Her face relaxes. “Thank you for telling me that. I know that Jace would never do that to me, but it’s nice to hear it from you as well.”
I slide my arm free. “I’m not feeling great, I’m going to take off.”
Her fuchsia lips form a perfect pout. “Oh, I hope it’s not because of this conversation.”
“No, of course not. I think I’m just tired. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I escape from the bathroom, already wiping away a tear that’s spilling. With my head down, I run right into a solid wall. Two hands catch me around my upper arms. I close my eyes and try to get a hold of my emotions, because the last thing I want to do is rehash what just happened and how small I’m feeling right now.
“Ella? What’s wrong?”
I recognize this voice. Slowly, I raise my eyes to meet the soft brown ones staring down at me. “Jeff, hi. Nothing, I’m good.”
While we’re standing there, the bathroom door behind me opens, and Deb walks out. She beams at us and hurries back into the ballroom. I smile weakly back at her.
“Did something happen in there?” Jeff points at the door she just exited.
“No, really, I’m fine. It was just a little misunderstanding, but we worked it out.” My cheeks heat up just thinking about the conversation.
Jeff leans down and takes my hand in his. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter and talk about it? Maybe over there?” He gestures to a small seating area across the lobby.
I wipe a tear under my eye before it can escape and wreak havoc on my makeup. “I think I just need a minute to get myself together. I’m not feeling great all of a sudden.”
Jeff nods and walks with me over to the chairs. He helps me settle in one and then sits beside me. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really. Maybe you could distract me instead?”
“I can definitely do that.” Jeff nods and starts telling me about his day and the different classes he’s taken so far.
I listen half-heartedly and am grateful when he doesn’t seem to expect me to participate much in the conversation. This is just what I needed. I’m so blown away by what Deb said about Jace that I need some time to process it. Right as I’m thinking about him, Jace walks over.