Page 33 of Head Over Wheels
Before I can utter another protest, he spins on his heels and strides off into the cafe. While I have no desire to be within ten feet of Jeff ever again, I also really want to see what happens. I’m slightly scared for Jace, because who knows what this psycho is capable of. It’s a public place so I assume just words will be exchanged, but I need to watch over Jace. I walk back the way I came, and when I get to a point where I can see the cafe but can also partially camouflage myself against the wall, I stop.
The cafe still has a few patrons in it, and I see Jeff sitting exactly where I left him. Jace finds him pretty quickly, and I watch as he hauls him out of his seat by the arm. Jeff looks startled, but I’m too far away to hear what Jace says in response. Their faces are really close as they talk, then Jeff shoves Jace hard enough that he falls a couple steps backwards. I’m debating going closer when Jace pulls his arm back and punches Jeff in the mouth.
My heart is beating wildly, and I’m torn between running to get help and going over to get between the two of them. The barista takes a few steps towards them, and he’s on the phone now, probably calling for help. Jeff swings at Jace but he ducks, and then the two start grappling, and there’s no contest at all with Jace easily pinning Jeff down. He’s holding him on the ground as I rush towards them.
I hear voices and look over my shoulder to see two police officers rushing in behind me. I stand aside to let them pass and then follow them over.
One of the officers steps forward. “Okay, get up slowly and keep your hands visible.”
Jace immediately throws his arms up and stands slowly, taking a step away from Jeff. The other officer steps between them and moves Jeff so he’s standing in front of him.
The first officer starts speaking again. “Can you tell me what happened here?”
Jeff jumps in right away. “This man came over and just attacked me, completely unprovoked.”
By this point Jace has noticed me watching. He turns his attention back to the officer. “I think if you take a look at his phone, you’ll find that he’s been stalking this woman over the last few days—actually, make that months. He just finished threatening both of us with blackmail. And he came after me first.”
The officers turn to look at Jeff. He’s still sitting on the ground with a hand covering his jaw where Jace connected. He shrugs.
“Can you confirm this story, ma’am?” The other officer looks over at me.
“Yes, and I can show you some evidence I have on my laptop of events that happened before this weekend.” Now I am really glad that I’d kept screenshots when things started getting creepy in the summer.
“We’ll need to get statements from both of you. Are you able to come to the station now?”
I look at my phone to see the time. Definitely going to be late for the luncheon. Jace intercedes before I can reply.
“Actually, we’re both late for an event here at the hotel. Can we come by after?” He’s showing his best Elevate instructor smile now.
The police officers have a silent conversation, and then one tilts his head at us in agreement. “We’ll take the suspect in, but we’ll need your statements to hold him. Can we get your contact information before you leave?”
“I can’t believe you’re just going to listen to them. I’ve been attacked and no one seems to care or want to do anything about it.” Jeff is yelling now, drawing lots of attention.
One of the officers immediately walks over and says something, which causes Jeff to close his mouth and give us both death glares.
We make sure they have our names and numbers and get the address for the station. As soon as they give us the go-ahead to leave the cafe, we scurry out, trying to leave the whole situation behind us. The main thing running through my mind now—What’s next? Is this over?
Jace pulls me into an alcove and draws me into his chest. “You okay?”
I have to think before I can answer. Am I okay? It’s been a rollercoaster of a morning. Now that Jeff is arrested and Jace knows the truth, I definitely can breathe a little easier. “I feel safe because I know, at least for the moment, Jeff can’t get to me. But I’m seriously creeped out that he’s been watching me all weekend, and I’m also worried about how all this is going to fall out for you.”
He takes my face in his hands. “Ella, do you trust me?”
I nod without hesitation.
“I’ll take care of this, I promise. He’s not going to hurt us or come between us.”
He seems so sure that I almost believe him. The way out of this mess doesn’t seem as clear to me as his words sound, but I’m hoping he’s right. “I believe you’ll try to sort it all out.”
His lip turns up on one side. “I guess that raging vote of confidence will have to do for now. I have to go and brief my management team and make sure that I get out ahead of any media on this. Are you sure you’ll be all right? Do you want me to stay with you?”
I push his chest with my hand. It doesn’t yield at all, he’s solid muscle. “I’m good, go. Text me when you’re done. I guess I’ll go meet up with Tara and Lisa at the event.”
“Right, it’s about to start. I better get moving then.” He kisses me quickly and fiercely and then leaves, bringing his phone to his ear the second he steps away.
Looking at the time, I see I have a few minutes to spare. With all the drama that just went down, it feels like it’s been hours, but it hasn’t even been an hour. I head to the bathroom to check my face and make sure I don’t have mascara everywhere. I dampen the pad of my thumb and run it gently under each eye to clean up any smudges. I flip my head upside down to give my hair some volume and then do a quick perusal. Everything looks as it should. You’d never know by looking at me that I’ve had the craziest morning. It’s time to find my friends and try to forget about creepy Jeff and his pictures.