Page 7 of Head Over Wheels
“I’m going to lower this rope, and you’ll need to put it around your waist, then I’ll pull you out. We have to come out this way as we’re between floors right now and can’t get it running again.”
The rope lowers between us, and Jace grabs it. He beckons me over, and without even discussing it, helps to place it around my waist. Once it’s secure, he signals our rescuer. Jace holds me steady while the rope pulls me up, and it helps to know he’s got me in case the rope falls or breaks. Within seconds, I’m at the open panel and a couple of men are helping me through. Just above them is what must be the elevator doors onto an open floor, and they help me through it and then take the rope off. The second I’m on solid ground again, the tears rush back to my eyes. I’m safe. I take a deep breath and try to control my racing heart.
A paramedic is on hand and asks if they can do a quick exam just to make sure everything is okay and that I didn’t hit my head or anything. Once it’s done, they declare me none the worse for wear. I look over in time to see Jace appear through the same doors I came through, and I want to run over and hug him, but then I remember we barely know each other. He walks right over to me and puts an arm around me instead.
“We’re okay. We made it.” His tone echoes my emotions. I’m so grateful to be out of that elevator.
“No one else I’d rather be trapped with,” I quip while gazing up at him.
He nods, and then pulls his arm away to let the paramedics do their check of him.
Once they’re done, he looks at his watch. “Looks like we have just enough time to get freshened up before the meet and greet.”
He looks past me then, to the elevator technicians. “Is there any way we can get Ella’s bag out of there?” He points back to the hole we came through.
The tech shakes his head at him. “I’m sorry, sir, but that won’t be possible. Not until it’s fixed. We need to get it up and running before we can do anything else. Shouldn’t be long though, we’re working on it now.”
Jace looks back at me, and I’m sure my expression is clearly written on my face. We’ve been stuck in there for hours, and I’m hot and sweaty and probably smelly, and my makeup which looked so fresh this morning has all melted off my face. Even so, this is not a huge problem in the big scheme of things, so I rush to reassure him.
“It’s fine, Jace. I have my room key in my pocket so I can at least go wash my face. Maybe I’ll just skip the meet and greet and go to the evening class instead.” I hold up my key, which is miraculously still in my pocket.
“No, that won’t do at all. Listen, come with me, and I’ll find you something to change into.” He doesn’t wait for my response but grabs my hand and pulls me towards the stairs with a smirk. “I think it’s too soon to get back into an elevator, right?”
After a few flights of stairs, I’m trying to hold in my panting breaths so he doesn’t think I’m out of shape. He is showing zero signs of tiredness and moving at a quick clip. My breath whooshes out in relief when he rounds the corner on the twelfth floor.
“This is my floor, and there are a few other instructors’ rooms nearby as well.”
I follow him through the door, and we walk down the hallway. Jace turns his head to fill me in as we walk. “I’m thinking we’ll check in with Deb, as I’m sure she has something you could borrow. I think you’re similar sizes.”
My cheeks immediately heat up. “Oh, I really don’t want to put her out, I can just wear this.” I point down at my outfit.
“Nah, it’s no bother at all, she’ll be happy to help.”
I’m freaking out. One, who knew they were still friendly? Two, are they still dating? Three, Deb and I are not even remotely the same size, and I am not going to look good in her stuff. Before I can make a plan B to turn tail and run, he stops in front of a door and gives it a sharp rap.
“Hey Deb, it’s Jace. Can we chat for a minute?”
A muffled voice answers with what sounds like assent, and then I hear the locks turning. The door opens to reveal Deb in the flesh. She’s smaller than I thought she’d be, and I grudgingly admit to myself that Jace may be correct. I may be able to wear her clothing. She’s all blonde hair and bright blue eyes and big grin, even though there’s a stranger standing at the door with her ex.
“Hi! I’m Deb.” She sticks her hand out for me to shake, and I take it.
Jace jumps in to introduce me and explain our predicament. “Deb, this is Ella. She’s a member and here for the events this weekend. Would you believe we’ve been stuck in an elevator for the last two hours?”
Deb’s hand flies to her chest. “Oh, no! How awful. C’mon in and tell me how I can help. Are you both okay?”
I follow Jace into her room and stand as close to the door as I can. This is so awkward, I can’t believe I’m about to ask her for something to wear. It is absolutely surreal to be in a room with THE Deb and Jace. Continuing to be my knight, Jace explains what we need.
“Yeah, we’re fine, but a little worse for wear. Ella’s bags are still in the elevator as she was just checking in so she has nothing to change into for the meet and greet. I was thinking…”
Deb cuts him off. “Of course! I packed enough for two weeks. I have lots of options.” She takes a quick look at me, and moves to her closet, and starts rifling through clothing.
“Thank you so much for this. I can really just keep this on, I don’t want to put you out.” My heart is beating quickly, and a large part of me would rather just keep these sweaty, smelly clothes on for the rest of the day to avoid the awkwardness.
She turns from shuffling through her clothing and places her hand on her chest. “It’s no trouble at all. It’s the least I can do for you after such an awful start to the event.” She reaches back in and pulls a couple of hangers out. “Do any of these appeal to you?”
Now I feel guilty for lusting after Jace. Deb is just as nice as she seems online. She’s holding a couple of cute Elevate T-shirts and a pair of loose-fitting athletic pants. “I’m sure they’ll work great, thanks again.” I reach out for the pants and an army green tee.