Page 11 of Gentleman Sadist
“I know, but you left me on a cliffhanger with that last chapter, and I need to know what happened—like yesterday.”
Will laughed.
By the time they were called, the place had become busier than when they arrived. The table they were led to was near a window overlooking Lake Tohopekaliga. A heron stood near the thick reeds gazing off in the distance while turtles stood on a log not far from the bird. The grey clouds darkened and on the horizon, lightning struck. At least the storm would cool off the evening for them.
“So, tonight,” Angie said. “I think we should Uber to the club. It’ll give us all a chance to let loose.”
"Can't, still breastfeeding," Kayla said, wistfully. "But, you can all have a drink in my honor."
“You can have a drink or two,” Roxanne murmured. “We have a supply of your milk at home. Besides, you’re not pumping tonight or tomorrow morning. It’ll be fine. Have fun.” She kissed Kayla’s temple.
“Maybe one drink then,” Kayla relented.
“That’s the spirit,” Kat added.
“Uber it is then,” Angie said. “We should also use a buddy system. If any of us have to use the facilities we go in twos.”
“Not sure how men would feel about you joining me in the bathroom,” Will ribbed. “Same goes for other women with me in your bathroom.”
"Well, we'll wait outside." Angie rolled her eyes. "It's all about being safe."
He appreciated her concern, but he was a big boy, he could hit the head without an entourage. “What else?”
She searched through her purse then pulled a small bottle of black nail polish out. “Each of us will put this on one of our nails. To keep us from being drugged.”
“Uh...” Will eyed the bottle. “You’re sounding a little paranoid there. I think Ian is rubbing off on you.”
She snorted. “None of the guys are here.” She glanced at Roxanne. “No offense, Roxy.”
“None taken. I understand what you’re getting at,” Roxanne said. “I agree with you. You never know what someone would do to you for shits and giggles.”
“Right. I want to make sure we all make it out of the club without something happening. Also, it’ll allow us to have more fun.”
“An ounce of prevention,” Kristen said. “Pound of cure.”
“Fine.” Will rolled his eyes. “I’ll wear the polish.”
“Good,” Angie said wiggling her fingers at him. “Because we already are.”
He hadn’t even noticed. Well, technically he hadn’t been paying attention to much since they woke him from his nap on the lounge chair by the pool. Instead of letting everything go, his thoughts had swirled. Roxanne—all of them were right. He needed to let loose and have fun. “Give it here.”
Angie handed over the bottle. “If you are handed a drink, dip the fingernail in and if it changes colors, then don’t drink it. If it stays black, you’re good to go.”
“Okay.” He painted the pinky of his left hand then handed the bottle back. “Well?”
“Not suspicious at all,” Kristen teased.
“I’m not a black nail polish kind of guy.” He shrugged. “They should have other colors.”
“Or you could have stuck around for the mani/pedi portion of our pamper day.” Angie huffed out a breath.
“I have one.” He held up his hands. “I got my nails done last week. Can’t look like a caveman at the museum. People will think I’m part of the exhibits.”
Angie, Kayla, and Kat laughed while Roxanne shook her head, biting her lip. Kristen narrowed her eyes. “Trust me, I don’t think anyone would believe you’re part of the caveman exhibits. You’re too pretty.”
Will straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin. “Genetics.”
Kristen laughed. "Uh-huh."