Page 17 of Gentleman Sadist
Will frowned as the man stood. His gut clenched and his heart sank. Had he come with everyone to catch another glimpse of the FBI Agent or perhaps indulge in one more fantasy before breaking free and moving on completely? “You’re like all the rest.”
Robert paused mid-stride and turned. Will blanched. The look on Robert's face was enough to scare even the most unflinching of men. His features were etched in anger and challenge. He closed the distance between them with such a powerful grace, it stole Will's ability to breathe. It also turned him on. His dick pressed painfully against the fly of his skinny jeans. His heart pounded.
He’d made a terrible mistake opening his mouth.
Robert braced his hands against the bar behind Will and leaned in. His body vibrated with tension and repressed fury. “You’re one of those brats aren’t you?” His voice was butter smooth, oozing sex appeal and dominance. “You push and push at a Dom until he walks away.”
Will gasped.
“I’ve seen your kind before, beautiful boy. You have the world in the palm of your hand. You’re stunning. Charming. Funny. You think a Dom should bend to your whim and still discipline you when you get unruly. You’re a conundrum. A paradox. You’re what happens when Pandora’s Box is opened and there is no one there to guide your chaos.”
“I... You...” Will whimpered, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. No one had ever spoken to him in such a manner, nor had they taken liberties as Robert did. No one had ever made his head spin or made him want to go to his knees and seek forgiveness.
“You want to fly, beautiful boy? Want to try something unorthodox and kinky?” Robert skimmed the side of Will’s throat with the back of his fingers. “Wear my collar ‘round your neck?”
Will closed his eyes and let out a shuttered breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Why aren’t you deeming me broken? Isn’t that what Doms are good at? Seeing their broken toys and discarding them?”
Robert gave a rough chuckle. “Did your last Master discard you?”
“I never had one.” Will sat a little straighter.
“So, I’d be your first?” The devilish smirk of his returned and everything inside of Will tensed with expectancy. “All you have to do is say yes, Will. Say yes and all this could be yours. Me. This club. This life. All of it.”
Indecision warred within Will. On one hand, he craved what Robert offered. On the other, he feared it. What if he wasn't good enough? It'd been obvious to Will he wasn't for others, because the minute he said no, Mathias left him. Questions swirled through his mind as he sat there, staring down the man who'd coaxed him out of his self-imposed hell the night before. The man who'd made him laugh and desire companionship and laughter once more.
“Who said you’d be my first?” Will’s hands trembled. His mouth was drier than Sahara.
Robert didn’t say a word.
“No snappy comeback?” He twitched. His heart hammered. His body hummed with anticipation. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”
Robert’s gaze continued to bore a hole into Will. It ensnared him. Consumed Will until he didn’t know which was way up. It made him equal parts excited and fearful. What was it about this man that captured him so and why didn’t he answer Will’s question?
“Fine,” Will said, waving his hand. “Yes, okay? Yes.”
Robert grinned. “Was it so hard to give over to your desires?”
Will deflated. “Yes.”
“Because you don’t want to be hurt again or cast out as an unwanted plaything?”
Will grimaced at Robert’s assessment. “Maybe.”
“Maybe will work, for now.” He motioned to the bartender without taking his eyes off Will. “There’s water, beer, and cocktails. Which do you prefer?”
“Apple Martini?” Will murmured.
“Excellent choice,” Robert replied as the bartender stopped in front of them “We’ll take two bottles of water.”
Will's mouth fell open. His eyes went wide. What was the point of asking what he liked to drink if the man already decided to order the opposite? He crossed his arms and blew out a breath, not at all pleased with Robert at the moment.
“Pouting is perfect when you’re sucking dick,” Robert murmured, as if reading Will’s thoughts. “Right now, however, we have tons to discuss and we both need to be levelheaded.”
Manic placedthe two bottles of water on the bar and smirked. If anyone else would have been eyeing Will, like his business partner had been, he’d staked his claim, then and there. Instead, Robert snagged their water then motioned for Will to follow him. “We should talk.”