Page 41 of Gentleman Sadist
Will stumbled, trailing behind Robert. The moment had arrived. He licked his lips. All eyes were on him. Well, not really, but it sure did feel like it. He glanced at where Robert had hooked his finger into the ring between his two cuffs.Property of Master Robert...Did he want to be property? He peered up at the man who commanded attention as he strode down the hall to the waiting private room. The one Robert mentioned earlier. The one they'd be utilizing for the night.
Everything was happening so fast. Shouldn’t they be slowing down? He licked his lips again. Anticipation crawled through his belly along with nervous energy. The whole night had been a blur of activity. Will couldn’t keep any of it straight in his mind. He was punch drunk, even though he consumed very little alcohol.It’s now or never, Will. What are you going to do?
First, he needed to breathe.
As much as his heart fluttered because he was turned on and aching for Robert, his anxiety was also spiking. He’d never gone farther than the initial scene with Mathias, and at that, he safe worded out of the session because it was everything Will didn’t want. This was different. He could feel it in his bones.
The soft murmurs of conversations from the members of the club floated around the space, catching Will's attention every so often. Mostly they were about Master Robert and the fact he was playing. Didn't he say he helped subs out? Were those scenes not done in public? Or was it something he did in private?Stop it, don’t think about it.Will shook off the thoughts and tried to focus on where they were going.
The tempo of the music changed once more. The beat was sensual. Erotic. It filled Will’s blood with a need to move with the flow. Instead, he kept two steps behind Robert. However, the man in front of him did change his gait. The power he exuded with each step, increased, drawing all eyes. Robert’s shoulders were straight. His chin was up. There was a regalness to him. He also reminded Will of a wild animal on the hunt for their next prey. Cliché, sure. However, there wasn’t any other way to explain what Robert looked like at the moment.
When he stopped, Will stumbled again. “Sorry.” Heat filled his cheeks.
“You’re safe.” Robert tipped Will’s chin up. “You’ll always be safe with me.”
He believed the man. So far Robert had taken care to make sure no one ever walked in on them, even though their escapades had been a bit risqué. Robert slid the key card into the lock then held his thumb to the plate. When the green light came on, he stepped into the space first then stood aside for Will to enter.
“Fancy,” he said, still eyeing the door.
"I like to make sure not only our subs safe, but so are our Doms." Robert closed the door then engaged the lock. "Since I am the only one with a keycard for this room, we won't be disturbed."
“B-But what if something happens?” Will swallowed hard. “Like a sub in distress?”
“Good question.” Robert pointed to six places on the walls surrounding them and then by the door. “There are several panic buttons in the room, plus all a sub has to do is unlock the door and walk out. If security is needed for some reason, they have a master key to all the rooms.”
At least Robert took everyone’s safety seriously. “Oh.”
“You’re nervous,” Agent Famosa crossed to where Will stood. “I can see it.”
Robert closed the distance between them and caressed the pulse point at Will's neck. "Because this is quivering, and I can feel your heart pounding out of your chest." He pressed his lips to Will's. "Your pupils are dilated. Your cheeks are pink. Tell me, beautiful boy, what are you imagining?"
Oh, he didn't want to know. Will chuckled to himself, a nervous habit. "I don't want to die?"
Robert barked a laugh. “Oh, beautiful boy, no one is dying tonight, unless you mean metaphorically. Then I hope we die several times.” His lip curled and a snarl passed his lips as a dangerous gleam filled his eyes.
A small whimper left Will’s lips.
"I love it when you make that sound. It makes my dick twitch." Robert licked Will's chin. "Do you remember the basics?"
Will nodded.
“Don’t forget your words, beautiful boy. I want to hear you call me Master before I make you scream my name.”
Fuck. Why did Robert have to be so hot when he said stuff like that? “Yes, Master Robert.”
“Good boy.” He took a step back. “To your left is a table, please remove all of your clothes, fold them, and place them on the surface.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, and Will, leave the harness on.”
"Yes, Master Robert." Will went to the table and began removing his clothes. At Robert's request, Will went commando, something he'd never done before. It was interesting, to say the least. The idea of Robert pulling down his zipper and fondling his cock and balls whenever his "Master" pleased was a thrill unto itself.