Page 49 of Gentleman Sadist
Kristen stood up, catching Earl’s eye. She waved him over before she sat back down. “What? I’m freaking starving.”
Will looked down at the table, the board he’d ordered was empty. When the hell had they eaten that?
When Earl returned, they all ordered new drinks and the girls took care of ordering the food. Will didn’t care what he ate as long as another order of the spicy Buffalo shrimp was ordered to go with their dinner.
“You girls ordered enough to feed an entire Army,” he remarked.
Angie smirked. “Not quite.”
Having said their piece, Kristen and Angie switched topics to something more mundane. Will had been eternally grateful. It gave him a chance to ruminate over what they said. One thing was for sure, he’d take Angie’s suggestion and text Robert. Before he lost his nerve, he grabbed his phone off of the table and searched through his contact list to find Robert’s name.
Will: Thank you for everything last night and this morning. I’m looking forward to our next experience. Have a good night!
Unlike last time, he didn't stare at the phone, waiting for those bubbles to appear. He set his device aside and went back to drinking and chatting with the girls.
“How is the Gala going?” Angie asked.
"It's going well. We're almost sold out. At last look we had less than a dozen pairs of tickets remaining," he stated.
Every year the museum held a gala on-site. It was a mix of fundraising for new patrons and giving back to their biggest contributors from the previous year. The affair was black-tie with fancy drinks and even fancier food. Their top twenty donators were given a free pair of tickets. And at two hundred and fifty dollars a ticket, it was a nice way to say thank you. He worked closely with the Event Coordinator, helping to decided and plan the best locations to set up stations and placement of tables and such. It was a fun change of pace for him each year.
Kristen placed her cider bottle on the table. “You remembered to put tickets aside for us, right?”
He rolled his eyes. “Does the Tin Man have sheet metal cock?”
Angie spewed her drink, while Kristen giggled.
Will reached into his lap, offering his friend his clean napkin.
“Jesus, Will, warn a girl next time,” Angie groaned as she cleaned her mess up.
“Then it wouldn’t be funny, now would it,” he replied drolly over his glass. “Just be happy our dinner wasn’t here yet. Otherwise, we’d be pissed at you for ruining all of our yummy food.”
“We need to go shopping for dresses for the gala,” Kristen said before glancing at Will. “You’re coming with us, right?”
“Yes. Even though I think my boss may frown on me wearing a dress.”
Angie chuckled. “How many drinks have you had?”
“One or two,” he replied, draining the rest of the concoction Earl suggested.
“More like two or three,” Kristen replied.
“Pfft. This” –he shook his glass— “is only my second one.”
“Any more and you’ll be Ubering home.”
Will shrugged. “Tomorrow is Sunday. I don’t need my car for anything pressing.”
Even with that being true, when Earl returned with just a portion of their food, Will ordered a sweet tea and a glass of water. He was done drinking. Any more and he’d liable to do something stupid. Like drunk dial or text Robert again and spill his guts. Or worse, show up at his club.
Although he suspected if he just showed up, half-drunk, Robert might be willing to dole out a punishment or two. Great. Now his thoughts were on his dick and what naughty things Robert could potentially do to him.
After Earl brought their dinner out, all conversations came to a close as they tucked into their meals. When Kristen called earlier, he didn't understand how worked up he'd gotten himself over something so small in the vastness of whatever was going on between him and Robert. However, it also forced him to accept a few hard truths. One, he was kinky and two, he did have feelings for Robert.
“Hey, Will,” Robert’s deep voice washed over him, causing his dick to ache and pulse behind his zipper.
He’d been so caught up in his thoughts, he hadn’t even seen the man enter the restaurant let alone join them at the table. “Robert?”