Page 56 of Gentleman Sadist
"Good." He set the toy as he wanted then grabbed the condom before straddling Will's chest. "Put the condom on me." His dick jutted out at Will, not far from his mouth. He licked his lips and Robert hissed. "Boy, don't do it."
Will pressed his luck. He ran his tongue along Robert's tip and groaned. Robert went to his knees as he fisted Will's hair. The furious expression on his face faded into lust as he probed his tip at Will's mouth and when he opened, the man took advantage, fucking Will's mouth in fast demanding thrusts until he pulled out. His chest rose and fell in heavy pants. A fine sheen of sweat covered Robert's chest and his face was flushed with arousal. Feeling each of his piercings along Will's tongue had been a new experience for him, but he didn't care, he'd push the limits every time if he could watch his Master come unglued.
Will jerked.His Master.
“What’s wrong, boy?” The snarly edge of Robert’s voice amped Will up. “Did I hurt you?”
He shook his head. “No.” Then he peered up at the man. “The answer is yes.”
When the realization of his statement dawned on Robert, he groaned. “Will.”
He swallowed hard and put the condom aside. “I’m clean. So are you. I’m giving you my trust, Agent Famosa.”
“Fuck, boy.” Robert buried his face in the crook of Will’s neck. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I want this. With you.” He ran his hand down Robert’s back. “Please.”
“No regrets.” Robert positioned himself to lube up his cock then shifted his hips, so that he was poised at Will’s puckered entrance.
“Never,” Will said, wrapping his arms around Robert’s neck, and pulling him down for a kiss.
The burn of being stretch wide, combined with the pleasure of being filled by the man who took Will's breath away. It was invigorating and sweet. Hot and torturous. His back came up off the bed as Robert swallowed his cry of pleasure. The slow drag of Robert's pierced cock along the walls of Will's ass drove him insane. He wanted to hurry Robert along while also force the man to take his time so he could enjoy the delicious glide.
Robert trembled above him. The absolute rapture spreading across his features as their bellies rubbed together and the spark of the sounding rod inside Will's dick joined the utter bliss pouring through Will. This was different than the night before. They were more in tune now. Robert retreated then filled him again. Each thrust, touching a different place, exciting him more.
There was an ebb and flow to them. This rhythm he didn't want to lose as he clung to Robert. Their cries of pleasure only added to the bubble surrounding them. Robert buried his face in Will's neck. The soft, pained sounds of arousal he made, only added to their coupling. It was cliché to say he'd never experienced anything like it before, because he had, the night before, with Robert, but this was more significant. This was like an imprinting of their souls. Cheesy, yes, but real nonetheless.
Robert raised Will’s hands above his head, then held him in place with his strong grip while also using the other hand to hitch Will’s leg over Robert’s hip, changing the angle of penetration. Will gasped as the man sank deeper into him, touching another sensitive spot. Will writhed sobbing through the most incredible pleasure he’d ever felt. His hips rocked, meeting Robert thrust for thrust, until both of them were lost the feeling emanating from both of them.
“Inside or out,” Robert groaned, wrapping his hand around Will’s dick.
“Inside,” Will sobbed, becoming a ball of teasing tension. “Please don’t stop.”
“Never,” Robert whispered. “Come for me, beautiful boy. Take me with you.”
Between the way the rod rubbed the inside of his cock and how Robert touched him in all the right placed with each thrust, he’d been poised on one of the best climaxes. On the first spurt, he pushed the toy from him, by the second, Robert shoved deep within him and began to throb. The cry that came from him as they climaxed together, startled Will. Then he went numb. Floaty almost. The intensity of the moment washed over him in ragged waves until he drifted on a blanket of contentedness.
“I don’t ever want to pull out,” Robert murmured, cradling Will to him so they were both comfortable.
Will hummed. “I don’t want you to either.” A lightness settled over him. “Thank you, you know, for being understanding.” His words were slurred and a bit giddy.
“My pleasure, boy,” Robert said. “And, Will?”
His eyes drifted open. “Yes?”
“I love you too. As crazy soon as it sounds. I do.” Robert pressed his lips to Will’s forehead. “Get some rest while you can, because we’re in for a long night.”
Will grinned. “Yes, Master.”
Waking up the next morning had been a different experience than the day before for Will. Not having the inner turmoil or worry to deal with was a godsend. He felt lighter and woke clear-headed, relaxed, and well-loved. He was rewarded with an unencumbered view of Robert as well. The relaxed unguarded expression on his lover's face left Will in awe of him.
Thank goodness Robert was tenacious and didn’t give up, even if Will had been a bit of a tool before he left the other man’s home. Before they finally fell asleep, Robert assured him, he was in it for the long haul. The worry and anxiety slipped away, allowing him to drift off without his mind racing with a million unanswered questions.
Will’s tummy gave a little flutter of happiness as he continued to stare at the man who made things a little more bearable in his life.
Granted, Will knew they were still in the beginning stages of their relationship, but everything was different with Robert. He felt something he’d never experienced with another boyfriend. It was a feeling of being settled and it being right.