Page 7 of Gentleman Sadist
Heat filled his cheeks. He didn’t realize they could hear him. He cleared his throat. “Sorry, love. I’m afraid my singing can’t even touch yours.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. We—” she motioned between herself and Angie— “know we’re botching the hell out of the song. You on the other hand.”
He shrugged before trying to change the subject. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
“It’s called The Golden Oasis,” Angie stated. “It’s an all-inclusive hotel and spa. We’ve signed up for facials.”
“Manicures and pedicures,” Kristen added.
“Waxing because our Sirs demand it.” Angie snorted.
“Seaweed wraps.” Kristen sighed wistfully.
“Sitting by the pool...” Angie switched lanes and headed for the coming exit. “You’re going to have so much fun.”
“Not sure the waxing is my thing.” He took care of himself, but waxing, uh no. Not even close.
Both women laughed.
“We’re going to a night club too,” Kristen said. “Research of course.”
"Oh, love, of course, it's for research." He waved her off. "It has nothing to do with getting sweaty on a dance floor or ogling hot guys asses."
“We don’t ogle.” Kristen’s tone filled with mock offense.
"No, we stare. Openly. Without shame." Angie giggled.
“Don’t let Ian hear you say as much,” Kristen said. “He might spank you.”
“You think so?” Excitement filled Angie’s tone. “I should experiment.”
Will plugged his ears. “Lalalalalalalala. I don’t want to hear this.”
Both women fell into a fit of giggles as they waited at a stoplight. The farther inland they'd driven the thicker the clouds had become. He hoped it didn't rain while they were there. He looked forward to sitting by the pool. When the light changed, they drove through the intersection, continuing down the highway.
"Anyway," Kristen said after regaining her composure. "You're going to enjoy this place. I know it. It's one of Kissimmee's top destination spots and has a five-star rating as well. It's close to the outlet mall so we can go shopping and it's close enough, yet far away from all the commercial touristy crap."
Will raised his hand. “Say no more. You had me at shopping.”
"We know." Angie grinned. "That's on tomorrow's agenda. Today is pampering day. Tomorrow is retail therapy day."
The resort was more than Will expected. The curved Gregorian exterior rose into the sky ten stories and each level was a different earth tone. The main floor was a shade of clay while the level above it was a light hue of yellow. The top floor was done in a beach sand color, but not any ordinary beach sand. No, this one was sun-baked with a darkened hue, kind of like when people walked barefoot through beach sand, churning it up with each step. As they pulled up to the front entrance, a valet stepped forward, giving them a megawatt smile in greeting.
“Welcome to The Golden Oasis. I hope you enjoy your stay.” He accepted the keys from Angie while another attendant brought a cart up to her vehicle. “Here is your tag. Whenever you’re ready, bring this back to me and I’ll have your car brought around.”
Angie grinned. “Thank you so much.”
"So, what's the plan?" Will stepped into the hotel between Kristen and Angie. Behind them, Roxanne received her ticket for her SUV. If the outside had been a feast for the eyes, the inside was orgasmic. Marble tile gave way to a massive crystal chandelier. To the right was a small atrium with skylights allowing the minute amount of sun through the glass. The seating areas were made for small parties to gather and chat while waiting for their treatments to begin. Along the walls were nature photos, adding to the relaxing, though high-end atmosphere.
“Breakfast,” Angie said. “They have a small bistro outside. We can’t check in until three, but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the amenities while we’re here.”
“Or enjoy our treatments in the meantime,” Kristen added, linking her arm with his.
“Lead the way.” Will motioned. “I’m famished.”
Along with pulling away from his friends, he’d also had a bad habit of not eating properly. He’d been throwing himself into decorating his new home and working—not giving food a second thought—as crazy as it sounded. Had he not seen how much weight he’d lost in the short amount of time since everything went south with Tristan, he’d probably still be pulling the same shitty stunts.
“We have facials at ten,” Angie said. “Seaweed wraps at one.”