Page 30 of Broken Dolls
He picked up the syringe. “Now, where were we?”
He made a show of dabbing her arm with an alcohol swab and searching for the vein while she squirmed and struggled.
“If you aren’t still, it’s going to hurt a lot more, and it’s going to bruise. Do you want that?”
She shook her head. “Please, I’ll do anything you want.”
She was offering sex in her artless way—most likely a blow job, and she was just still so new here she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. How delightfully precious.
“Oh, you’ll do that anyway.”
He plunged the needle into her arm, and she screamed loud enough to wake a slumbering army. Brian breathed in deeply as if savoring the opening strains of a symphony.
* * *
Mina was grateful that she didn’t have to go upstairs to face everyone in nothing but lingerie. He didn’t have to give her dignity. He could have made her parade around naked if he’d wanted. Being dressed warmly also meant she could get out of the house to try to clear her head.
The pool was connected to the house, surrounded by high glass walls. Outside, snow drifted onto the glass, melting as it hit. The trees and ground were covered in a white peaceful blanket that didn’t at all match the turmoil inside her.
She couldn’t stop thinking about what Brian might be doing downstairs with that girl. She wasn’t worried he might have sex with her. It wasn’t as if Mina loved him. And even if she ever could, if he’d turn that attention on someone else, maybe that was better.
Annette sat next to a trembling woman near the pool. Something dramatic had obviously just happened. She looked up when she saw Mina.
“Are you okay?” she mouthed silently.
Mina shook her head. Annette left the girl beside the pool and joined her. Other girls had gathered, whispering and sending furtive glances Mina’s way.
“Do they know?”
“That Brian bought you?” Annette asked. “They know. They watched him carry you out of the showroom.”
A girl Mina had never spoken to, sauntered up. She’d been skinny dipping and didn’t have an ounce of self-consciousness about her state of undress. “Owned by the sadistic psycho of the house. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.”
They’d all known about her lack of training and had been irritated that she’d been givenspecial privileges.
“I see they finally gave up on protecting you from him. I wonder how much money it took for them not to care what the hell happened to you.”
“Shut up, Bree,” Annette said. It was meant as a dismissal but the girl just kept talking.
She smiled icily, keeping her eyes on Mina. “I’m looking forward to this show. I can’t wait to see how badly he fucks you up. I wonder if the scars will be visible or if they’ll all just be psychological. Good thing we have a free shrink on the premises. You’ll need him.”
Annette pushed Bree into the pool. “Ooops.”
“You cunt!” she screeched, when she surfaced.
“Careful, someone nearly got drowned for that not fifteen minutes ago. And remember, Brian can’t touchme.”
If only Mina could be so lucky.
Annette looped an arm in Mina’s and steered her from the group. She’d seen Annette around the house, though they hadn’t spoken. Right now she behaved as if they were best friends—something Mina found solace in.
“I have to escape,” Mina whispered when they stepped outside into the snow.
Annette shook her head and signaled for her to be quiet. Mina glanced around, wondering if there was surveillance that might catch her words. She’d thought being outside that it was okay, but they were still close to the house. There were hedges back here. Listening devices could easily be hidden. Either Annette knew of such devices, or she suspected.
Mina followed Annette through the yard until it seemed they were going off the property.
She jerked her arm back. “I can’t. I’ll get zapped.”