Page 49 of Broken Dolls
Before she had time to think, a cold, metal speculum was inside her. “I’m going to make you watch this video later,” he whispered for her instead of the camera, “so you can get a good look at what your doctor has been looking at all these years.”
The thought should have bothered her, but right now it just turned her on. After a few minutes, he removed the cold metal, then gloved fingers were inside her, exploring, feeling all her most intimate private places.
“With your prolific sexual misadventures, I think you should come in for more frequent check-ups. Don’t you agree, Ms. Calloway?”
“Y-yes, Doctor.”
He smirked as he withdrew his fingers. “There’s one more test I need to conduct. At some point, I’m sure you’ll wish to settle down with one man. Many husbands feel anxious about their wife’s sexual response. So we like to test that. Just so they know it’s not them.”
He rolled the stool over to a drawer and pulled out a vibrator. Mina’s breath caught when the buzzing started. Then he turned it off and came back to her.
“I’d first like you to manually stimulate yourself for me.”
The game was becoming less funny and oddly more exciting as he intently watched her hand move between her legs.
He made a show of writing notes on the clipboard while she stroked the aroused flesh between her thighs.
“Good. Now slip your fingers inside.”
Her hips bucked off the table, her feet pressing hard into the metal stirrups as her fingers pumped in and out.
“Do you feel how wet you are?”
“Y-yes, Doctor,” she whimpered, barely able to maintain a coherent conversation.
“That’s what the husbands and boyfriends want. They want you dripping wet and ready for them. I’m very pleased with your response.”
He turned the vibrator back on and pressed it against her clit. “Hold it there and come while I examine your breasts. If you climax, keep going. It’s necessary for our records.”
By this point he could say any ridiculous thing in the world and she was too far gone to giggle. He put the clipboard down and stood next to her, his hands kneading her breasts in the same impersonal way as a doctor would, but then his thumbs brushed over her nipples, and he pinched one as she came, tears sliding down her cheeks from the force of her orgasm.
He moved back to the stool and took the vibrator from her. “Touch your breasts. You need to know how to do it properly.”
She stroked her breasts as he kept the vibrator pressed against her, not releasing her until she’d climaxed several more times.
Finally, he turned the toy off and dropped it in a bin marked “sanitize”.
Mina lay there watching him as he removed the gloves and tossed them in the trash and draped the lab coat over the counter. He turned the camera off and took out the tape. He picked up the towel, draping it over her, as if protecting her modesty.
He pressed a kiss against her forehead. “Do you feel better?”
“Yes, Master.”
* * *
Mina sat in a chair beside a stainless steel island in the large kitchen behind the cafeteria. She watched while Brian retrieved milk, eggs, cheese, salt, and pepper from the fridge—then bread from the bread box. She couldn’t believe this man would ever let a carb pass through his lips.
They didn’t speak while he made toast and scrambled eggs. Her mind kept going back to the medical room and how in the still spaces with him, everything felt unbroken. She didn’t know how it was possible for someone so fucked up to make her feelnotfucked up. Tonight she’d gotten the first real glimpse of the man he could have been if not for the scars that had painted a different person. He was in pieces, like her. Tonight she’d seen one of the better ones.
He put a plate in front of her and sat beside her. They ate in silence. She felt calmer after the running and the shower and the game. Brian finished before she did and left the room. Had he gone back downstairs?
Jason had never taken care of her like this. He’d never held her when she was scared or made a meal for her. It had always been about him. If she dared complain, they were back toYou’re not a real sub!
So far those words hadn’t left Brian’s mouth.
He returned and dropped a piece of paper and a pen down next to her plate.
“Give me the names of the men who created you.”