Page 13 of Sin and Seduction
“You’re nothing but a child, Gabriela. A child that I just risked my life to save. A child who has everything she could ever want thanks to her monster of a brother. So please, spare me the tantrum and go to your room while I deal with your new lover. We will be going back to Columbia in less than a day, so I expect you to be prepared.” Her mouth drops and shuts like a fish out of water. I almost see the steam of her anger leave her ears, but I could give a fuck less.
She unbuckles her seatbelt and darts out of the chair, eyeing me before leaving the jet.
“I hate you,” she whispers, tears in her eyes. It almost guts me, but I don’t show her.
“Pleased to hear it,” I hiss, and she flicks her black hair over her shoulder and leaves the jet.
I rub my eyes in frustration. I could really use a shower right now, but time will not allow it. A glass of bourbon will have to do for the time being. I exit the jet and see my beautiful wife running toward me, elation shining in her brilliant green eyes. She jumps into my arms, her arms locked around my neck as I turn my nose into her dark hair, breathing in her fresh lavender scent. I could die like this and still be happy. This is my home, wherever we are.
“Someone’s happy to see me.” I chuckle in her ear.
She pulls back to look at me, love etched all over her beautiful face. I’ve lived a dark and monstrous life, but she is my light and my salvation. She is my everything.
“I was so worried about you,” she says, peppering my face with kisses, hardening my cock in an instant.
I groan, wanting to lose myself in her right here on the pavement. It takes every muscle in my body to work together so that I can pull away from her. I place a small kiss on her lips, willing myself to pull away before she has time to bewitch me once more.
“I’m here, wife. And as much as I am dying to lay with you right now, I have important matters to tend to. Are your bags packed for our trip?” I ask, and she frowns slightly. I can see the questions rolling around in her beautiful brain.
“Yes, everything is ready to go. The movers came today as well to get a head start for when we get back. What’s going on?” Her voice is etched with worry, but I kiss her knuckles in reassurance.
“I promise I will tell you everything when I’m done. Finish packing, and I’ll be up soon.” She stares at me a little longer, defiance glimmering in her eyes, but she doesn’t argue.
Thank Christ.
“You promise?” she asks, and I lean to kiss her cheek, biting it gently as she lets out a little yelp.
“I swear it, mi ciela. We have alotto catch up on.” I look her up and down, heat in my gaze as a blush blooms in her cheeks.
God, I fucking love this woman.
“Okay,” she says, kissing me once more before walking back into the house as Sergio walks out.
“He’s awake now, Dante,” he says, and I sigh.
“I’ll need a drink first,” I say, brushing past him and heading straight toward my liquor cabinet.
* * *
I down nearly half a bottle of bourbon, feeling much more collected as I make my way down into the cellar. James is awake and chained to the brick cellar wall. His nose was swollen from my punch earlier. I’d like for his face to look a lot more purple than it is right now, so I land one more quick punch to his jaw as my greeting.
“Glad to see that you’re awake,” I say as his head snaps to his shoulder.
He spits out some blood and meets my gaze, cockiness still glimmering in his blue eyes. I land another blow, and he meets me with the same gaze again. I rear back for another, but Sergio stops me.
“It’d be best not to swell his jaw just yet. We have questions that need answering,” he says to me.
I shake my hand out, nodding as I stand in front of James with my hands in my pocket.
“We obviously know of your affiliation with Juan Carlos. However, with him being six feet under now, I’d like to know exactly what you were wanting when you held my sister hostage.”
“Maybe I was just looking for a warm body,” he says with a smirk, and I launch forward.
Sergio puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head at me.
“Answer him,” he says to James.
“I wanted a response,” he says, spitting out a fresh glob of blood.