Page 49 of Her Heart's Desire
Her cheeks heated again, but she didn’t decline the statement. She could no longer deny, even to herself, how she felt about Jake. “As long as you have the situation well in hand, I’m going to go meet my date.”
“Have a great time,” Monica called out.
She stepped out of the ballroom and into the shadows, making her way down the corridor. In the hidden doorway of a nearby room stood a cloaked shape.
She shivered, stopping in her tracks. The ghostly image transported her back to the stalker in the woods. The form separated itself from the darkness, and her terror evaporated.
“Uncle Delbert. What are you doing here?”
He smiled, his genial, round face crinkling. “Well, fancy meeting you here, Samantha. How is my favorite niece this lovely evening?”
“I’m just fine. I’m on my way to the bar to meet a friend.”
“I was looking for the bar. I’m supposed to meet a buyer there for a little afterhours socializing.”
“You’re heading in the wrong direction,” Samantha replied with a smile. He’d always been a bit bumbling. “Follow me, and I’ll show you the way.”
Delbert fell into step at her side, gallantly taking her arm. “I was so sorry about your falling out with Grayson.”
She stiffened. She had hoped he’d decided to let the subject drop. Maybe he felt a sense of obligation having played matchmaker for the two of them. Had he deliberately hunted her down now to try to patch things up?
“Some things don’t work out. Our parting will turn out for the best. You’ll see.”
“I can’t agree, my dear. Why, if you could see the poor lad’s face. All he does is mope around since you jilted him. Please give him a chance to make things right.”
So, he was here on false pretenses. No amount of well-meaning persuasion on his part would induce her to change her mind. He was in the dark about Grayson’s obnoxious visits yesterday and his kinky sex life.
“I have seen his face.”
His eyes narrowed as he studied her mutinous expression. “You have?”
“Yes, indeed. Twice, as a matter of fact, and Grayson certainly didn’t look forlorn. He looked like the cheating jerk he was. You're wasting your breath if he sent you here to plead his case. It’s over!”
Delbert blinked rapidly and patted her hand. “Very well, my dear. I don’t want to upset you.”
“I’m sorry if I sounded harsh, but it’s been an upsetting time for me lately.”
“Just as you say, my dear. I understand you’ve had a difficult time with Grayson’s recent error in judgment and the trouble up north. Rest assured, you won’t hear another word out of me.”
She let out a sigh of relief at his sympathetic tone. She was happy Grayson St. James was out of her life for good. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
Delbert’s kindly gaze lingered on Samantha’s smile for a moment before slanting to Jake, seated at a corner table. “You’re seeing Mr. Ramsey now?”
She bit her tongue.No more matchmaking. Please!Their relationship was complicated enough without any of Delbert’s meddling. For whatever reason, he seemed even more anxious to marry her off than her father. It was time to set some boundaries.
“Yes, we’re seeing each other, and it’s going very well.”
Her uncle hesitated. “I’ll go to the bar and wait for my buyer. Remember to be careful who you give your heart to, my dear. You never know whom you can trust. Have a lovely evening, Samantha.”
“Thanks.” She watched him walk away, wrinkling her nose at his cryptic warning.
He was probably worried Jake was taking advantage of her while she was on the rebound. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jake had been a perfect gentleman since that night at the cabin. As a matter of fact, the sensual tension between them was so sharp at times, it could cut with a knife. Their sexual stalemate would have to end soon.
She walked over to Jake and caught him gazing at Delbert sitting at the bar.
“Did you talk to your editor?”
“Sure.” Jake turned his attention to her. “He gave me the usual patter about publicity being good for my career. I’d just as soon stay incognito. Dressing in a monkey suit is not my idea of a good time.”