Page 35 of Meant To Be Us
A long uncomfortable moment passed before he spoke. “You’re making this very difficult.”
She knew she was being unpleasant to him, but he’dinterrupted her grieving. That didn’t seem fair. Especially now, when her pizza was about to be delivered.
No sooner had that thought skipped through her mind than the doorbell chimed. This time it was her pizza.
“Do you mind if I eat while you talk?” she asked. She couldn’t see any reason to let her pizza get cold.
Jordan didn’t seem thrilled by her request, but he agreed with a nod of his head. Molly brought out a plate and dished herself up a piece. She was about to offer him one, when he spoke.
“Do you plan on eating that all by yourself?”
“That was my original intention. You’re welcome to some, if you’d like.”
Apparently he did, because he got himself a plate and joined her on the living room floor. They sat cross-legged, with the pizza between them.
“You were saying?” she prodded when he didn’t immediately resume their discussion.
“I talked to Michael Rife this morning about the pregnancy.”
“I bet that surprised good ol’ Mike.”
“Mike, nothing,” Jordan muttered. “I wish you’d said something to me a little earlier.”
“Come on, Jordan. You can’t tell me the possibility never crossed your mind.” Although she had to admit it hadn’t crossed hers… At the time, she hadn’t been rational, hadn’t thought about possible consequences. Hadn’tthoughtat all. She’d only felt, and those emotions had been desperate. Urgent. Compelling.
He glared at her. “No, it never crossed my mind. I assumed you were on the pill.”
Molly laughed. “Why would I be taking birth-control pills? I hadn’t slept with a man in years.”
“All right, you’ve made your point.” He picked up a napkin, wiped his hands clean and set his plate aside. “It was stupid of us both, and now we’re stuck with the consequences.”
Molly set her own pizza aside, her appetite gone. Jordan spoke as if her pregnancy was something unpleasant, something that had to bedealtwith. A problem. That irritated her. In fact, it infuriated her.
“Michael’s arranging for child-support payments to be sent on a monthly basis.”
“I don’t want anything from you, especially your money.”
“That’s too bad, because it’s already been arranged.”
“Fine.” She’d let his money accumulate interest in the bank.
“You’ll need to tell me who your physician is, too.”
“I changed medical insurance a couple of years back and the physician has to be on their approved list.”
“I went back to Doug Anderson. I always liked him despite what you said about his golf game. Besides, he spent a lot of time with me after Jeffrey died.”
Jordan flinched at the mention of their son’s name, and her heart softened. The tears returned and she grabbed a paper napkin and held it to her mouth.
Jordan reached out as though to comfort her, but stopped himself. Slowly he lowered his arms to his sides. “I’m sorry, Molly, more sorry than I can say.”
“Just be quiet,” she sobbed. “You aren’t supposed to be nice to me.”
He put his arms around her then, holding her against him, letting his body absorb her weeping. She knew she should break away, but couldn’t make herself do it.
“I’ve hardly slept since you told me about the pregnancy,” he whispered.