Page 48 of Meant To Be Us
He stood, his thoughts more tangled and confused than ever. He desperately wanted Molly. Yet he couldn’t bear the thought of loving—and the risk of losing—another child.
He left the office without a word to Ian and stepped outside. He walked past his car and kept on walking, block after block, mile after mile. Each step moved him forward, but did nothing to solve the dilemma of his heart.
He needed Molly.
But not the child.]
Jordan knew the truth of what Ian had told him. Molly and the baby were a package deal.
Jeffrey’s chubby happy face, smiling cheerfully at him, returned to haunt Jordan. The pain that cut through him with the memory was sharper than any physical agony he’d experienced. Physical pain he could handle, but not this unending emotional torment.
All at once Jordan was tired. Overwhelmed. He felt as if nothing was real anymore. He continued to walk, but he moved in a haze from one block to the next with no real destination in mind. At least, he didn’t realize he’d set his course until he stepped off the curb and crossed the street. Molly’s duplex was three doors down.
“Make up your mind about the baby before you approach Molly.” Ian’s words echoed in his heart as he walked up to her porch.
He didn’t have anything to offer Molly, nothing he could say—only that he wanted her, needed her back in his life. Other than that, he was as lost now as he had been when he’d talked to Ian.
He had to see her or go insane. Had to know if she still loved him. Had to know if there was any chance they could mend the rift between them.
He didn’t remember ringing the doorbell, but hemust have, because the next thing he knew Molly was standing directly in front of him. The screen door was all that separated them.
“Jordan, what are you doing here?”
She was shocked to see him and it showed in her eyes. She was dressed in jeans and a loose-fitting shirt. His gaze fell to her waist and he saw that the snap of the jeans was undone to make room for the baby.
The baby.
“Come in,” she said, holding open the door for him.
“Are you alone?” he asked, psychologically distancing himself from her because of the power she wielded. One look, one word, could devastate him.
Molly’s eyes widened. “Yes.”
He entered the duplex and closed the door. He studied her, wondering what he could possibly say that would make a difference.
“Why are you here?” she asked a second time.
“Are you in love with him?” Jordan blurted out.
“With David? No, not that it’s any of your business.”
His heart raced and he briefly closed his eyes.
“Why what?” she asked, but he couldn’t explain.
“Jordan,” she whispered, her face revealing her confusion.
For hours he’d been numb, walking, thinking, lost in a maze of impossible emotions. Now Molly was standing within touching distance and he could feel again.
His eyes held hers. “I’m sorry, Molly,” he said. “So sorry.” The words barely made it past the lump in his throat. There was more he wanted to say, needed to say, but couldn’t.
He watched the tears fill her eyes and her bottom lip start to tremble.
Jordan wasn’t sure who moved first, him or her. It didn’t matter. Within a single heartbeat they were in each other’s arms. He felt the tears that coursed unheeded down her face, then wondered if they were his.
With a deep-seated groan, Jordan kissed her.